From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Closed-captioning is a roundabout process
17 Jun 2002 15:10:55 -0400
Note #7240 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Closed-captioning is a roundabout process
by Charles Proudfoot
COLUMBUS, OH - In a time of big technological marvels, here's a small one.
As you may know, the TV monitors for plenary sessions and worship during General Assembly feature closed-captioning.
How do those captions get onto the bottom of the screen?
You ask: Who cares?
Well, those of us who cannot hear care a great deal.
A person types in the words while the words are being spoken or sung.
Here is the marvel: The person behind the keyboard is Patti White, of Hear, Inc. She isn't in Columbus; she's typing in St. Louis, MO. White gets an audio feed from the Assembly floor and types in the words. Then the words are sent back on another telephone line, and through a box that puts them onscreen.
So, as the words appear, remember that they have made the trip to St. Louis, gone through Patti's brain and fingers, and back to Columbus.
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