From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Broadcaster credits parents, Presbyterianism
17 Jun 2002 15:12:39 -0400
Note #7241 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Broadcaster credits parents, Presbyterianism
Robin Roberts starts each day with prayer
by Evan Silverstein and Jane Hines
COLUMBUS, OH - Before the studio lights go on for ABC's popular Good Morning America news program, longtime Presbyterian Robin Roberts starts her day - at 3:45 a.m.! - by reciting a prayer her mother taught her.
"The light of God surrounds me," she reminds herself. "The love of God enfolds me. The power of God protects me. The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is."
Roberts, who became the program's news anchor in April, is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Hartford, CT. She says her faith has been essential to her success.
The veteran journalist spoke about her links to Christ and the influence the Presbyterian Church (USA) has had on her during a General Assembly breakfast and again at a news conference Monday, June 17.
"It's just a part of me," Roberts said of her Presbyterianism. "It's just who I am. It's like breathing to me, my faith. So it's nothing that's a concerted effort. It's just a part of my being. It's very grounding and it's very nurturing. It sustains me, it really does."
Roberts said she has belonged to the PC(USA) since high school. Her parents, Larry and Lucimarian Roberts, have both been active in the church at all levels for many years.
After 20 years as a successful broadcast journalist in news and sports, Roberts said she still abides by rules she learned at home as a child: Put yourself in a position to make good things happen; be willing to make the necessary sacrifices; and never lose sight of the big picture.
Tracing her journey from high school basketball player to high-visibility personality for the ABC network, Roberts told how her every step was affected by her involvement in the Presbyterian church.
Roberts, a three-time Emmy Award winner, said she may someday follow in her parents' footsteps and be more active in the church, but her demanding schedule, which includes working on cable sports network ESPN, makes it virtually impossible for now.
Roberts, who is reluctant to call herself a role model, said she's flattered when young people tell her they have been watching.
"I don't think anybody should point to themselves and say, 'I'm a role model,'" she said. "If the type of life I lead and what I do is something that others want to point to, I'm very blessed."
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