From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Two are honored for service to Scouts
19 Jun 2002 12:42:00 -0400
Note #7267 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Two are honored for service to Scouts
by Midge Mack
COLUMBUS, OH - Gina Yeager, associate for youth ministries in the Congregational Ministries Division of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and David Richardson, associate director of relationships for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), were honored on June 18 during the annual luncheon sponsored by the National Association of Presbyterian Scouters (NAPS).
Yeager was presented the God and Service award, a special certificate recognizing adults who have devoted years of time and energy to helping young people. She works as a liaison between PC(USA) programs for youth and the Scouting program, and was the driving force behind the 1999 Dawn of Epiphany celebration and is a leading organizer of the Youth Triennium. As the voice at the Louisville end of the phone line, she's a trusted resource for Scout leaders in Presbyterian churches across the country.
Richardson traveled to Columbus from Boy Scouts of America headquarters in Irving, TX, to accept the Celtic Cross, a medal awarded for special service to the Christian church and to Scouting.
Others on the program were the Rev. George Hupp, pastor of Montgomery Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, OH, who served as master of ceremonies; the NAPS president, Eliot Kerlin of Fort Worth, TX; Randy Larson, executive director of the Columbus-area Simon-Kenton Council of the Scouts; and Dr. Kerry Cheesman, president of the local council and national president of Venture Scouting.
Cheesman spoke to an audience of about 50 people about Scouting as youth ministry and about the newest and most popular program in Scouting, the Venture program, which is designed to challenge and interest male and female Scouts from 14 to 21 years old.
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