From the Worldwide Faith News archives
"Being part of this process is a humbling experience"
20 Jun 2002 14:28:12 -0400
Note #7291 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
"Being part of this process is a humbling experience"
by Midge Mack
COLUMBUS, OH - Jewelene Parker, a commissioner from Salem Presbytery, comes here from High Point, N.C. where she is an elder of Christ Presbyterian Church and a retired postmistress.
Parker was assigned to the Committee on Church Orders and Ministry. "It is so humbling to see those who disagree work together. I believe that if we seek solutions with prayer, that God's will can be done.
At home she is excited about being part of a new church development in High Point, resulting from an earlier church dissolution. Its nearly 100 members are working hard to do some new and different things in ministry and have found that their location near a Presbyterian Retirement Home offers opportunities for mutual involvement. The home is currently adding new facilities.
Parker's bailwick on the session is Congregational Life - "they should call it the 'everything committee'," she says. "We keep track of those who miss worship and visitors; we call on them and check to see if they need anything. We make sure there are activities at church to get people together. If they don't have a way to get to a doctor, or a grocery, or to church, we take them. We just do what's needed."
"I'm having a great week," she says. "I don't know how it happened, but I'm sure glad I came."
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