From the Worldwide Faith News archives
LCMS: 158 LCMS parishes to get Schwann Grants for Outreach
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 03:33:23 -0700
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services
LCMSNews -- No. 34
June 17, 2002
158 LCMS parishes to get
Schwan grants for outreach
Last month, 158 Synod congregations got word that they are receiving a
total $993,621 in Evangelism Outreach through Congregations (EOC) grants
this year from the Marvin M. Schwan Charitable Foundation.
The EOC program supports the church's "Tell the Good News About Jesus"
evangelism emphasis.
"A preference was given to multi-year projects that would assist
particularly smaller congregations in making their planned project ... a
part of the total ongoing ministry of the congregation," said Rev. Alger
Tormoehlen, EOC grants coordinator for the Synod.
He indicated that among the congregation projects receiving the grants are
evangelism training for laity, developing brochures and other outreach
materials to share with people in congregations' communities, advertising
and public relations "to increase church visibility," member involvement,
"side-door" evangelism events, and using Harvesters for Christ teams.
A total of 372 congregations applied for EOC grants for 2002. The 158
congregations that were not chosen for the grants also were notified in May.
Tormoehlen said that over the past three years of the program, the Schwan
foundation has given $3,113,563 in outreach grants to 489 LCMS
congregations. However, he said that the Schwan foundation has indicated
that it will provide only up to $500,000 for EOC grants in 2003, primarily
"due to the fluctuating money market in today's economy."
Synod congregations are to receive information this summer about the EOC
grant process and how to apply.
"Congregations that have not received a grant in the three previous years
are encouraged to already begin their planning for a specific outreach
oriented project that will help them to reach the lost in their local
ministry area," Tormoehlen added.
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