From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Van Marter in good condition after surgery
26 Jun 2002 15:47:04 -0400
Note #7329 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Van Marter in good condition after surgery
3-hour prostate removal goes well; PNS chief expecting full recovery
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE, KY - The Rev. Jerry L. Van Marter, coordinator of the Presbyterian News Service, was in good condition on June 24 after three hours of surgery to remove a cancerous prostate.
Van Marter's wife, Eva Stimson, said her husband, known for a fast wit and laid-back demeanor, was alert and cracking jokes with nurses. The father of twins also has received visitors, including his pastor and Presbyterian Center staffers.
"We're all relieved that it's over and that it went well," said Stimson, editor of Presbyterians Today magazine.
Van Marter, a 56-year-old native of Tacoma, WA, was diagnosed with cancer during a routine physical examination in April. There had been no symptoms. Doctors are confident that removing the prostate will eliminate the cancer. No follow-up treatment is expected after Van Marter leaves Jewish Hospital on June 27.
He will recuperate at home for about a month before returning early in August. He asked that well-wishers send email messages in lieu of cards to: He expects to be responding to his messages by week's end.
Van Marter, a Presbyterian minister for 30 years and member of San Francisco Presbytery, has been a staff member of the Presbyterian News Service since 1988 and its coordinator since 1994.
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