From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ACNS - Archbishop of Canterbury calls G-8 countries to boost poverty
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 19:16:05 -0700
reduction in Africa
ACNS 3038 - LAMBETH PALACE - 25 June 2002
Archbishop of Canterbury calls on governments of the G-8 countries to boost
poverty reduction in Africa
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, has called on the governments
attending the G-8 summit in Canada to do more to alleviate poverty in
"I welcome the focus being given by the G-8 to addressing the problems of
the continent of Africa. This represents a real opportunity for the
Governments of the G-8 countries, in partnership with African Governments,
to set goals that will reduce significantly the levels of poverty on the
Continent. I support the call on members of the G-8 to create a framework
that will give scope for much needed socio-economic development in Africa.
In particular, much still needs to be done to remove the burden of debt from
the poorest countries in Africa, as well as giving them more open access to
the markets of the developed world."
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