From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lilly Endowment provides theological programs for young people

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Date Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:11:30 -0500

July 1, 2002  News media contact: Kathy Gilbert7(615)742-54707Nashville,
Tenn.   10-71B{280}

INDIANAPOLIS (UMNS)--Four United Methodist-related seminaries will receive
part of a $25.3 million initiative for programs designed to encourage young
people to consider ministry as a vocation and deepen their faith through
theological study.

The Lilly Endowment, Inc., has been encouraging seminaries to develop
programs to help students think about theology and ministry.  Over the past
decade, the endowment has given divinity schools and seminaries grants for
theological programs aimed at young people.

In this round of "Theological Programs for High School Youth" initiative, 16
theological schools will receive funding for programs they have designed for
young people. The Endowment has invested a total of $57.3 million in the
program, which now includes 49 schools.

The following United Methodist-related schools of theology will receive
funds in July and September:

7	Illiff School of Theology, Denver, will receive $1.25 million for
FaithTrek, a multi-year program that will approach theological inquiry from
a variety of faith perspectives and expose youth to a range of social and
cultural contexts. The program includes an annual three-week summer
residential program, an ongoing mentoring relationship with an adult, and
follow-up retreats on the theme of ministry and vocation.
7	Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, will receive $2
million to establish the Youth Hope-Builders Academy, a program for
African-American high school youth. The program will involve an annual
four-week summer residential academy that foster Christian identity and
mentoring relationships for young people. Community-based forums will be
held to reinforce the residential program and create a network of parents,
pastors, youth ministers, community leaders and the seminary to support the
youth. Gammon Theological Seminary, a United Methodist-related seminary, is
one of the six seminaries that make up the Interdenominational Theological
7	Saint Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, Mo., will receive $1.1
million to support a program for United Methodist high school youth from the
Midwest. Youth will be involved in weekend retreats focusing on studying
Wesleyan theology, exploring Christian ministry, working with local pastors
as mentors, and participating in a Wesleyan heritage trip to England. The
program also includes planning regional vocational exploration events for
youth and developing a youth leadership curriculum for congregations.
7	Southern Methodist University, Dallas, will receive $1.4 million to
establish the Perkins Youth School of Theology, a leadership development
program for high school youth in the Southwest who have experienced
disadvantages through their racial minority status or socioeconomic
background. The program includes connecting youth who are involved in
community service with clergy mentors, hosting an annual three-week summer
academy, and sponsoring scholarly research on youth and the church.

"We think that talented young people-at pivotal points in their lives-should
be made aware of the tremendous rewards of pastoral ministry, of what a
privilege it is to walk alongside people in their spiritual journeys and to
be close to them at many of the great turning points of their lives," said
Craig Dykstra, endowment vice president for religion.

Other United Methodist schools of theology that are already participants in
this initiative include Duke University, Durham, N.C.; Emory University,
Candler School of Theology, Atlanta; and Garrett-Evangelical Theological
Seminary, Evanston, Ill.

For more information about the Fund for Theological Education, visit the Web

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