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The Cycle of Violence Must Stop says Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Mon, 08 Jul 2002 13:11:36 -0700

June 20, 2002

Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her who repent, by
righteousness (Isaiah 1:27)

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict holds center stage again as escalating
violence persists, moving from retaliation to counter retaliation.

We continue to believe that the root cause of all this conflict, pain and
suffering is the Israeli occupation and reoccupation of Palestinian Lands.
However, in no way can we justify violence as a means towards an end.  Both
communities have been predestined to co-exist side by side for thousands of
years.  Neither party can continue to behave in a manner that would endanger
the rights of the other party.  Only life with dignity, and life with
security, promote building of trust and making of peace.

Lands and territories, especially those described as holy, are not to be
worshiped as if sacred.   Human life is sacred.  All people are created in
the image of God; Arab and Jew, Palestinian and Israeli.  All are loved by
the one God who created them.

Equally important is the fact that the situation on the ground grows worse
for Palestinians each day.  There are continuing hardships, constraining
realities and measures that make it humanly impossible to live with.  The
repeated incursions into cities, the detention of thousands without charges,
the attempts to neutralize or do away with the leadership, the continued
assassinations are also to be condemned.  It is not surprising that the
Israeli occupation has been described as a tree on which grows a fruit known
as suicide bombers.  To put an end to its fruit we must put an end to the
entire tree.

Sharon promised Israelis that he would guarantee security within 100 days.
Who is responsible, who is accountable for the lives of the many lost on
both sides since the end of those 100 days?  The late Rabin realized that no
nation could control another with the power of the gun.  He walked the path
of peace and he had the courage to negotiate with the so-called enemy,
Arafat.  The so-called enemy continues to refer to the late Rabin as my
partner. Peace and reconciliation happen between past enemies.  For people
to continue to busy themselves reconciling parties that are in love is a
waste of time.  For parties to continue to believe that reconciliation may
be accomplished with remote control is not wise.

The Arab Nation, in its last Arab Summit in Beirut, unanimously resolved to
make peace with Israel, provided that Israel comply with United Nations
Resolutions 242 and 338.  Rather than welcome this unprecedented gesture
from all Arab States, Israel pushed its way into the West Bank with tanks,
Apache helicopters and F16s, killing hundreds, injuring thousands and
leaving many homeless.

The international community should be held accountable for their double
standards, and for killing the hopes of millions in this part of the world.
Rather than becoming firmer in their commitment to implement their own
resolutions, they allow the continuing deterioration; to the point that life
has become so worthless to some that they cause greater pain to others.  The
United Nations Resolutions make it clear that both parties have the right to
live within independent and secure states, side by side. Where are we from

Where the politicians have failed, people of faith may succeed.  Again, I am
proposing that key figures in the Church worldwide meet with key figures of
the Jewish and Muslim faith, with the objective of impressing the political
leaders to come to terms with the reality of the situation, namely the need
for Palestinians to be liberated from occupation and enjoy an independent
state, and for both states, Palestine and Israel, to exist within secure and
mutually recognized borders, remembering that the best of secure borders are
reconciled neighbors.   We appeal to all for collective common sense.  We
call on the United Nations to enforce its resolutions on both parties, and
to do this both parties must be immediately invited to negotiations.

That is why we call upon those leading the world, people of faith and people
in politics to come to Jerusalem and make peace here.  For once peace comes
to Jerusalem; peace will come to the whole world.

To refuse to struggle against the evil and the injustices of our world is to
surrender our humanity; to struggle against the evil with the weapons of the
evil doer is to enter into your humanity; to struggle against evil, the
injustices, and oppression with the weapons of God is to enter your

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Please continue to keep all the people of the Land of the Holy One in your
prayers.  Know that this comes with my prayers and best wishes.

In Christ,

+ The Rt. Rev. Riah Abu El-Assal
Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem

Nancy Dinsmore
Development Officer
Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
Fax:  9722 627 3847

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