From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Archbishop of Canterbury calls for restraint and reflection over

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Tue, 09 Jul 2002 16:37:45 -0700

Canadian decision

ACNS 3049 - LAMBETH PALACE - 8 July 2002

Archbishop calls for restraint and reflection over Canadian decision

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, has called for restraint and
a period of reflection from Anglicans following the decision of the Canadian
diocese of New Westminster to approve a rite for the blessing of same-sex

Writing to fellow Anglican Primates, Dr Carey said that the decision had
major implications for the whole of the Anglican Communion and urged that
individual dioceses should not 'go it alone' in respect of such matters.

"Precisely because there are strong views on all sides of this issue, I
believe that departure from the main thrust of Anglican moral tradition is
sufficiently significant for individual dioceses not to act alone in
relation to it."

Dr Carey has also written to the diocesan Bishop, Michael Ingham, seeking
clarification on five points:

The precise status of the decision, the consent and ratification required
and the process which now ensues

The extent and limitation of the pastoral oversight delegated to any
Episcopal Visitor scheme

Safeguards for clergy and others dissenting from the move

The contribution so far and possible future role of the Canadian House of

The extent to which wider factors, including the implications for the
Province and the Anglican Communion were a part of the debate

The Archbishop called on his fellow primates to resist invitations to
intervene in the matter and thereby avoid aggravating an already volatile
situation. He has also asked for their prayers and for support for the
dialogue he has initiated with the diocese of New Westminster and the Church
of Canada.

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