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LCMS - CCM ruling allows news about Benke

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Fri, 12 Jul 2002 09:44:00 -0700

The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod Board for Communication Services

LCMSNews -- No. 37
July 12, 2002

CCM ruling allows news about Benke

A June 10 ruling of the Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM) has 
tempered efforts by The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod's Board of 
Directors to halt all reporting on the dispute involving Atlantic District 
President David Benke.

Meanwhile, Synod Secretary Raymond Hartwig has issued a plea to those who 
are parties to the dispute "to be faithful to the process," which includes 
restrictions on their giving publicity to issues in the matter.

The Board of Directors Feb. 1 ordered an immediate halt to distribution of 
any information -- including by the Synod president or by the Synod's 
3Reporter2 newspaper -- concerning the Benke case.  The CCM has ruled, 
however, that the Board cannot restrict the ecclesiastical power of the 
Synod president or the bylaw-mandated duties of the Board for Communication 

The CCM ruling came in response to questions submitted to it by Dr. Martin 
Schramm, chairman of the Board for Communication Services (BCS).  That 
board is responsible for the Synod's two official periodicals, "Reporter" 
and "The Lutheran Witness," as well as LCMSNews.

After the order was issued by the directors, Schramm said that Reporter 
staff members take great care to present accurate information that also is 
fair to those involved.  He said that he feared the Board's order halting 
information through official channels would contribute to misinformation 
and rumor.

The full CCM opinion, which is part of the minutes for the June 10-11 
meeting, is available online at

Hartwig said that he is "concerned" about publicity that the Benke case is 

"Until a dispute case is finally decided, parties in the case are to 
refrain from bringing to the attention of the public detailed information 
regarding the disputed matter, the status of proceedings, or opinions 
regarding who is right or wrong," Hartwig said.  "Compliance is extremely 
important for the sake of the parties and the process involved and for the 
sake of the Synod, so that due process is honored and so that fellow 
Christians are treated fairly, justly and in Christian love."

The June 10 CCM ruling reiterated the prohibition against parties to a 
dispute giving publicity to issues in the matter.


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