From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ELCA Women Adopt Budget, Amendments, Resolutions

From News News <news@ELCA.ORG>
Date Sat, 13 Jul 2002 17:28:47 -0500


July 13, 2002


     PHILADELPHIA (ELCA) -- Delegates attending the Fifth Triennial
Convention of Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
adopted a budget for 2003 and acted on proposed amendments to the
organization's constitution. Delegates also acted on resolutions from
synodical women's organizations and individuals.
     Women of the ELCA's Triennial Gathering is meeting here July 8-14
at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.  The organization's three-year
theme, "Listen, God is Calling," is being unveiled at the convention
amid Bible study, keynote addresses, workshops, field trips, business
sessions and elections.  Nearly 3,200 women from throughout the ELCA and
the world are attending.
     With little comment, delegates adopted a $3,681,438 budget for
2003.  The budget includes spending guidelines for program services such
as anti-racism and cross-cultural ministries, periodicals and products,
women's ministry programs, evangelism and related services, stewardship
and fund development, grants and scholarships and special funding
initiatives.  The budget also includes expenditures for executive and
organizational services, operations, governance and a planned $700,000
gift to the ELCA.  Women of the ELCA provides a significant financial
gift to the ELCA churchwide organization annually.
     Delegates narrowly adopted a constitutional amendment with a 314-
105 vote, and 46 abstentions, which established an "anti-racist
identity" as a principle of Women of the ELCA.  The amendment said:
"This community of women shall regard an anti-racist identity as an
institutional asset and actively seek full participation and shared
power in determining its mission, structure, constituency, policies and
practices."  Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds vote to
     Before voting, some delegates expressed concern about wording in
the proposed amendment.  Karla McKenzie, delegate from the ELCA
Metropolitan New York Synod, said she favored the principle but
expressed concern about the word "regard," saying she preferred a
different word.
     Perri McCary, delegate from the ELCA Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast
Synod, said she opposed wording in the amendment, though she said most
of the delegates -- including her -- seemed to agree on the ideas
expressed in the amendment.
     "The good news is that we are all on the same side. The bad news
is that we see things differently," often because of a person's skin
color and experiences, McCary said.  Delegates could do a better job
with the wording, she suggested.
     Stronger language was needed in the proposed amendment, said Vicki
Fink, delegate from the ELCA North Carolina Synod.  However, she said,
"I see this amendment as an opportunity to build on our journey
     Delegates soundly defeated two proposed amendments.  One called
for officers of synodical women's organizations to begin their term Feb.
1 following election, and the other called for members of executive
boards of synodical women's organizations to begin their term Feb. 1
following election.  During discussion, many delegates complained that
most synods hold elections at spring conventions.  Adopting the
amendment would leave many months before newly elected leaders could
begin their term.
     Several memorials -- resolutions that ask for specific actions of
the churchwide women's organization -- were adopted by the delegates:
     + An action to designate a Sunday "to bring sexual exploitation of
women and children into the light by focusing media attention and
educating congregations about the sex industry" was approved.  The event
is to be called "Day Full of Light."  The memorial directs the
churchwide women's organization to distribute materials for study, and
it also asks the organization's executive board to report on the
budgetary implications of the action by the 2005 Triennial Convention.
     + The convention encouraged individuals, households and
congregations of the ELCA to "reduce personal, household and workplace
consumption of water and other non-renewable resources by 10 percent."
It also encouraged women to study Biblical, theological and practical
issues related to stewardship of water.
     + Delegates encouraged congregational units to pray for their
youth "that they may grow in faith and have healthy, safe lives."  It
encouraged synodical women's organizations to provide support to
congregations "who wish to be safe havens for children." The memorial
also asked that materials on the subject be distributed locally.
     + Delegates resolved that Women of the ELCA participants be
encouraged to support the work of  Lutheran World Relief by serving
"Equal Exchange Fairly Traded Coffee" or other "fairly traded" coffee at
Women of the ELCA functions.
     Delegates acted July 12 on resolutions offered by individuals:
     + A resolution encouraging promotion, awareness and understanding
of the National Interfaith Hospitality Network Affiliate programs was
adopted.  The network serves homeless families nationwide.
     + It referred two resolutions regarding the structure of the
Triennial Convention and its activities to the executive board for
consideration in planning the 2005 gathering.
-- -- --
Editors: Photographs from "Way-Making Women: A Way to Unity" and Women
of the ELCA's Triennial Gathering are maintained at on the Web.

News releases and other information about the gathering are maintained
at on the Web.

For information, contact: Melissa Ramirez, newsroom manager, (215) 418-
2045 or

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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