From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ACNS - Announcement of the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Thu, 25 Jul 2002 14:59:29 -0700

ACNS 3072 - LAMBETH PALACE - 23 July 2002

Announcement of the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury

The Queen has nominated Dr Rowan Williams to be the 104th Archbishop of

He will succeed Dr George Carey who is retiring at the end of October after
eleven and a half years as Archbishop.

Dr Williams, aged 52, is currently Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of
Monmouth. He is expected to be enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in the
early part of 2003.

He said today: "An enormous trust has been placed in my hands, and I can
only approach it with a degree of awe as well as gratitude that I have been
thought worthy of it. Archbishop Carey has set a very high standard in his
selfless work for unity and understanding within the Anglican Communion; I
shall have a fine example to follow as I learn how to approach this task.

"I hope with all my heart that I can serve to nurture confidence and
conviction in our Church, and to help Christian faith to capture the
imagination of our people and our culture.

"My wife and I have been supported by the generous prayers and good wishes
of so many people, and we want to express our thanks for such support: this
is not a job to be undertaken in solitary splendour! I have much to learn,
and hope that I shall discover how God is leading the Anglican Church, and
how I can best co-operate with that leading."

Dr Carey, who is currently in the United States, issued the following
statement: "I greet the news that the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Rowan
Williams, has accepted Her Majesty's offer of the post of Archbishop of
Canterbury with joy.

"Rowan will bring to this demanding office great abilities as a theologian
and as an experienced Primate of the Anglican Communion. He and his wife,
Jane, can count on my support and that of my wife, Eileen, as well as our
prayers and good wishes in the days ahead."

The Archbishop of York, Dr David Hope, said: "I look forward to working with
Rowan Williams as Archbishop of Canterbury and assure him and his family of
my prayers at this time.

"The relationship between the two archbishops of Canterbury and York has
traditionally been important. I hope that together we may develop a creative
and collaborative partnership in the service of the whole church and for the
fulfilment of the ministry and mission entrusted to us all."

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