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U.S. Gov. OK's Gay MCC Churches For Military Veterans Chaplains

Date Mon, 29 Jul 2002 17:08:10 EDT

"Historic step," says MCC Founder Rev. Troy Perry

N E W S   R E L E A S E
For Immediate Release: July 29, 2002

Los Angeles, CA -- Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), the predominantly 
gay Christian church with 300 congregations in 22 countries, has received 
recognition from the federal government to provide chaplains to the U.S. 
Veterans Administration.

"This marks an historic step for MCC churches," said Rev. Troy Perry, 
longtime human rights activist and Moderator of the 52,000-member church 
organization. "U.S. programs have long been hostile to GLBT military 
servicemembers and veterans, so this marks yet another positive step toward 
full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens," added Perry, himself a 
veteran of the U.S. Army.

While independent from the military services, the Veterans Administration 
provides support and outreach programs to both active duty servicemembers and 

MCC has announced plans to file a second application with the U.S. federal 
government to provide chaplains to military branches. That application 
process will be overseen by Rev. Dr. Justin Tanis, MCC Director of Clergy 
Development, and Rev. Dr. Penny Nixon, senior pastor of MCC San Francisco.

The Veterans Administration is the second largest of the 14 Cabinet 
departments in the U.S. executive branch and operates nationwide programs for 
military veterans, including health care, financial assistance, vocational 
rehabilitation, education, training, and employment services, as well as 
management of all national cemeteries. Among its many services, the VA 
provides health care assistance to more than 100,000 homeless veterans each 
year. More than 70 million Americans are eligible for VA benefits because 
they are veterans, family members, or surviving spouses of veterans.

Metropolitan Community Churches is a Christian denomination with a positive, 
affirming ministry to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender persons and 
their enlightened friends and families. Founded in 1968 in the months before 
the Stonewall Riots, MCC is today made up of 300 local congregations in 22 
countries, and has 52,000 members and adherents. The MCC movement has an 
annual operating budget of $20 million dollars, more than 90% of which is 
reinvested in the communities in which local churches operate. Information on 
MCC is available at

A free MCC e-mail newsletter is available by writing to


For Additional Information, Contact:
Jim Birkitt
MCC Communications Director
8704 Santa Monica Boulevard, Second Floor
West Hollywood, CA  90069
Tel. (310) 360-8640, Ext. 226

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