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Washington Office releases election guide

Date 30 Jul 2002 08:13:39 -0400

Note #7358 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


Washington Office releases election guide

by Alexa Smith

LOUISVILLE - The Washington Office of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is releasing its election-year packet for use in congregations.

The "Christian & Citizen Election Year Guide," which includes a variety of materials, from worship resources to advice on holding a candidates' forum, is free.

"The overall packet has about 13 resources in it," said Richard Houston, an editor in the Washington Office. "You can put together a study group and talk about how faith informs political work. Using Biblical perspectives, the resource helps Christians think about why they should lobby or work in the political arena. 

"We all know that Presbyterians are involved in work such as shelter and food preparation for homeless groups or disaster relief and are very invested helping their representatives understand that Christians do work in the political world and they need to be heard.

"Some religious folks don't know why they should be involved in politics," Houston said. "This is an attempt to close that gap."

This resource, which is updated every other year, includes a study guide on Christians and government, and essays on getting your opinion heard in the political arena.

The office also has a 68-page booklet summarizing the positions adopted by PC(USA) General Assemblies on issues candidates may be addressing during campaigns. 

To order the paper version of the election-year guide, call Presbyterian Distribution Services toll-free at (800) 524-2612. The packet number is 72-942-02-001; the number for the booklet is 72-942-02-002.

Texts of both documents are also available through the Washington Office's Web site at 
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