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[PCUSANEWS] 9/11 chat room: a place to grieve, pray
6 Sep 2002 10:35:57 -0400
Note #7417 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
9/11 chat room: a place to grieve, pray
September 5, 2002
9/11 chat room: a place to grieve, pray
"We recall the horror that this day has brought. We feel sick over the loss of life, over the injuries caused, over the lives changed forever. We seek reasons."
- PresbyNet participant, Sept. 11, 2001
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - Just as it did a year ago, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is giving its members a chance to get together in cyberspace to talk about and pray over the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
A live online chat room called Hope and Pray Together is the newest give-and-take site on the denomination's computerized conferencing and information system, PresbyNet - It's the third site on the system devoted at least in part to the 9/11 anniversary and related events.
Immediately after last year's attacks, PresbyNet lit up with grief and passionate debate, as Presbyterians logged on to vent their feelings and process their pain.
"We pray for the healing of our own hearts," one participant wrote. "(I hope) the days ahead will bring some sense of comfort, healing and understanding."
The "Hope and Pray" room will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (EDT) on Sept. 11 for reflection and discussion. A one-hour worship service will follow at 10.
Transcripts of last year's post-9/11 chat and worship are available on PresbyNet; transcripts of this year's exchanges will be online starting on Sept. 12.
A PresbyNet "meeting" called September 11 Anniversary was created more than a month ago to provide information on planning for church remembrance services. Another meeting, Worship Aids In Time of Tragedy, created last year by the denomination's Office of Theology and Worship, has prayers and other resources that can be used in events marking the anniversary.
Last year, a computer problem limited the number of chat-room participants to about 25 at a time. PresbyNet officials say that problem has been fixed, so the system now can accommodate a virtually unlimited number of cyber-chatters.
"People were there from coast-to-coast," the Rev. Elinor Mosser, PresbyNet's web conferencing associate, says of last year's online observances. "It was a real ecumenical service, with leadership from the PC(USA), ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Episcopal Church (USA), and the United Church of Christ. Participants were from at least 10 denominations."
One chat-room participant prayed online last year:
"Help us stem our anger, loving God, and calm our spirits. Ease the great pain which we feel, and remind us of your eternal love, which will never be overcome by the powers of the world."
For information about PresbyNet and Sept. 11-related online activities, contact by email.
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