From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Washington Office offers election resource
30 Sep 2002 09:13:43 -0400
Note #7447 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Washington Office offers election resource
Materials look at citizenship from a Biblical perspective
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - The Presbyterian Washington Office has produced an election-year
resource to help voters evaluate political candidates on Biblical and
theological grounds.
The National Ministries Division committee mentioned the Christian & Citizen
Election Year Resource Guide Saturday in a report to the General Assembly
Council (GAC).
The material, intended for congregational study, will be useful to people
interested generally in religion and politics and those who would like to
hold candidate forums or engage in advocacy.
"It's designed primarily for elections of the president and members of the
House and the Senate," said the Rev. Elenora Giddings Ivory, director of the
Washington Office. "But it's also applicable to statehouse elections,
governors' elections and school board elections."
The resource is a cooperative effort of the Washington Office; the
Presbyterian Church (USA) Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
(ACSWP); the Public Policy Advocacy Team; the Office of the Stated Clerk; the
Presbyterian Hunger Program; the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program; the Racial
Justice Policy Development Office; Social Justice Ministries; and the Women's
Advocacy Office.
"It has all the information in there as to how to hand-mail a candidate's
form and how to deal with candidates," Giddings Ivory said. "What's
appropriate for a church to do during a time of elections."
* The Christian & Citizen packet contains a variety of materials, including:
* Worship resources and sample sermons;
* Material on the "do's and don'ts" for congregations at election;
* Information on holding a candidate forum;
* Summaries of General Assembly policy statements;
A 60-page "Reflection and Group Study Guide" on responsible citizenship,
available separately.
The resources are available at no charge at the Washington Office's Web site:
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