From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ABCUSA: Medley Pledges Prayer and Support to Chaplains

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Mon, 14 Oct 2002 16:07:18 -0400

American Baptist News Service (10/14/02)--American Baptist Churches USA
General Secretary the Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley has written to all American
Baptist military chaplains to "assure you of my prayers" and pledge
"unqualified support" as they minister with the increasing threat of war
looming in Iraq.

In letters and e-mail communications sent today, Medley said that as "both
the Senate and the House of Representatives had passed legislation
authorizing the president to take military action against Iraq if necessary,
my heart turned to you."

"As we face the possibility that many within our armed forces and reserve
units may now be called upon to place themselves in harms way on behalf of
all of us, I want to assure you of my prayers (and those of our ABC family)
for you and for them.  Though I have publicly urged that war should be our
last resort, my support for you is unqualified as you minister on behalf of
our Lord and denomination with our fellow citizens.

"I realize that even now you are being called upon to minister to our
military personnel and their family members in a context of heightened
tension and worry.  The possibility of their deployment is not easy to bear.
Those whom you serve are, to you, not faceless numbers but people with hopes
and dreams, families and friends.  As you lead them in prayer and worship
and look into their faces, I know there is an increased burden and strain
you bear as you wonder what the future might hold for them.  In your
ministry, war is always intensely personal.  We lift you in prayer to our
Lord Jesus Christ that he will minister to you according to your need as you
serve the needs of others.

"I am also aware that this same stress of worry and concern is placed upon
your family as well, as they, too, wonder what the future might hold for you
and for them.  We also pledge our prayers for your family.

"In the days ahead, even as we pray that war might be rendered unnecessary,
we also pray for you, your family, and those under your care that God might
grant you favor as you serve in these uncertain and perilous times.

"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ grant you a full measure of his presence and
of his grace."

American Baptist chaplains are endorsed through National Ministries' office
of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling; Dr. George Langhorne serves as
director of Pastoral Counseling Services.  More than 500 American Baptist
chaplains serve worldwide as American Baptist missionaries. Those seeking
endorsement or more information about chaplains can e-mail, visit or
call 1-800-ABC-3USA/x2447.  Individuals and churches are encouraged to pray
for chaplains Oct. 20-26 during Pastoral Care Week.


American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (610)768-2077; fax:

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