From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Christmas Joy packet in congregations' hands
17 Oct 2002 16:35:32 -0400
Note #7474 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Christmas Joy packet in congregations' hands
Offering goes to help retired church workers, racial-ethnic schools
By Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE - Promotional materials for the 2002 Christmas Joy Offering of the
Presbyterian Church (USA) should have arrived at churches by now.
According to officials in the Mission Interpretation and Promotion (MIP)
office of the Congregational Ministries Division, resources for the
denomination's Advent offering were sent out in mid-September.
The offering, one of four annual special offerings of the PC(USA), benefits
retired church workers through Assistance Programs of the Board of Pensions,
and the denomination's racial-ethnic schools and colleges.
The theme this year is "In Search of Our Bethlehem."
"The one who came to embody and to unfold the mysteries of god's love and
grace came knowing that there would not be room," MIP wrote. "Jesus came
knowing that it's difficult for any of us to find a Bethlehem where we can
make room in our lives and hearts to encounter that mystery and to kneel
before its presence."
The free materials for the offering include a poster, bulletin inserts about
the beneficiaries, bulletin covers, a coin box, offering envelopes and a
place mat.
Also included is a leader's guide with ideas for promoting the offering,
minutes for mission, liturgical resources, children's activities and
information about the offering. One new resource this year is a document that
can be used as a mailer, bulletin, newsletter insert or offering envelope.
Reproducible materials include clip art and a poem, "In Search of Our
Kneeling Places," by renowned Presbyterian poet Ann Weems.
Congregations may also invite a speaker from the Christmas Joy Offering
Speakers Bureau to speak to church groups or to preach or present a minute
for mission during worship.
Additional materials can be ordered by phone at (800) 524-2612 or downloaded
from the offering's Web site: To request a speaker
or additional information, call (888) 728-7228, ext. 5183, or contact
Margaret Boone by email at or Alan Krome at
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