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[PCUSANEWS] Presbyterian members of Congress
2 Dec 2002 15:00:18 -0500
Note #7527 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Presbyterian members of Congress
November 26, 2002
Presbyterian members of Congress
by Jessica Tate, Presbyterian Washington Office
and Jerry L. Van Marter
WASHINGTON - When the 108th United States Congress convenes in January, it
will include 47 Presbyterians.
There will be 34 Presbyterians in the House of Representatives - 23
Republicans and 11 Democrats - and 13 in the Senate - 10 Republicans and 3
Democrats. Presbyterians will constitute 13 percent of the Senate and 8
percent of the House.
Of the 47 Presbyterian members of Congress, eight will serving their first
term - five in the House and three in the Senate.
The breakdown (new members in italics):
U.S. House of Representatives: Marsha Blackburn, R-TN; Shelly Moore Capito,
R-WV; Chris Chocola, R-IN; Howard Coble, R-NC; Diana DeGette, D-CO; Jim
DeMint, R-SC (Presbyterian Church in America); John J. Duncan, Jr., R-TN; Jo
Ann Emerson, R-MO; Bobby R. Etheridge, D-NC; Tom Feeney, R-FL; Porter J.
Goss, R-FL; Jim Greenwood, R-PA; Katherine Harris, R-FL; Robin Hayes, R-NC;
Joel Hefley, R-CO; Sue W. Kelly, R-NY; Jerry Lewis, R-CA; Carolyn B. Maloney,
D-NY; Mike McIntyre, D-NC; Candice Miller, R-MI; George Nethercutt, R-WA;
Earl Pomeroy, D-ND; Deborah Pryce R-OH; Nick Rahall II, D-WV; Thomas M.
Reynolds R-NY; Jim Ryun R-KS; Vic Snyder D-AR; John M. Spratt Jr., D-SC;
Cliff Stearns, R-FL; Mac Thornberry, R-TX; Frank R. Wolf, R-VA; Melvin Watt,
D-NC; Lynn C. Woolsey, D-CA; David Wu, D-OR.
U.S. Senate: Lamar Alexander, R-TN; George Allen, R-VA; Christopher Bond,
R-MO; Thomas R. Carper, D-DE; Mark Dayton, D-MN; Elizabeth Dole, R-NC; Mike
Enzi, R-WY; Bill Frist, R-TN; James M. Inhofe, R-OK; Jon Kyl, R-AZ; John D.
Rockefeller IV, D-WV; Richard Shelby, R-AL; Jim Talent, R-MO.
Write to Members at:
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
US House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
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