From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ACNS- Episcopal school on West Bank buffeted by Middle East
Worldwide Faith News <>
Fri, 06 Dec 2002 18:29:16 -0800
Episcopal school on West Bank buffeted by Middle East violence
From an article by Nancy Dinsmore
[ENS] The Arab Evangelical School, located in the West Bank city of Ramallah
are facing the problem that parents are neglecting to pay their children's
tuition. Administration officials say this phenomenon has become
increasingly common at the school, forcing them to make some tough
decisions. All families have felt the economic repercussions of the
continuing conflict in the region. The city of Ramallah, a jewel of the West
Bank just a few years ago, has suffered extensive damage since the latest
Intifada started two years ago.
"It's hard to judge who can pay and who can't," said Sister Vreni Wittwer,
director of the school.
Funding problems are just one sign that the Arab Evangelical School, an
institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, faces challenging times.
The school has a very lively scholarship program, and actively solicits
support for its students from all over the world. No one is asked to leave
the school for the inability to pay fees. Still, school officials say they
are thankful for the support they have received from overseas donors, and
say they trust that the Lord will provide.
Indeed, the Arab Evangelical School stayed open from October till the
present time despite regional curfews. During the latest siege the school
had about 90 percent attendance from its some 540 Christian and Muslim
students. Meanwhile, Israelis loosened army-mandated curfews for the Muslim
celebration of Ramadan, providing slight relief for the students and faculty
during an otherwise dark time, administrators say.
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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