From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[PCUSANEWS] Presbyterian retiree kills wife, self
9 Dec 2002 15:59:18 -0500
Note #7535 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Presbyterian retiree kills wife, self
Presbyterian retiree kills wife, self
George Neal, well-known lecturer on science and faith, had been ill
by John Filiatreau
George and Joanne Neal, members of First Presbyterian Church in Golden, CO,
were found dead in their home on Dec. 3, apparently victims of a
They are the parents of the Rev. Gail Neal, of Dallas, TX, whose husband,
Doug Kelly, is the executive of the Synod of Alaska-Northwest.
Police in Wheat Ridge, CO, a Denver suburb, said Neal, 80, shot and killed
his 67-year-old wife, then turned the gun on himself. Police said he had made
a telephone call to a relative, saying that he had shot his wife and was
Neal reportedly had been suffering from long-term health problems.
George Neal was a board member of the Presbyterian Association on Science,
Technology and Christian Faith and a recipient in 2001 of the group's Dan
Martin Award for the practice of science as a Christian vocation. He also was
the leader of the Ministry on Science and Theology at First Presbyterian in
He retired in 1984 from a career as a designer of missiles used in defense
and in manned space projects. Since then he had been working in public and
private education, focusing on space projects and curriculum development. He
also developed workshops in the training of science teachers for the United
States Space Foundation, which honored him with its "Outstanding Space
Educator" award. He often lectured on space travel and exploration and their
impact on astronauts' theological beliefs.
The family has asked that expressions of sympathy be sent to 18809 Lina
Street, Apt. 8107, Dallas, TX 75287.
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