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Mon, 09 Dec 2002 13:45:01 -0800
December 9, 2002
AANA Bulletin is an ecumenical initiative to highlight all endeavours and
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Major Campaign To Pick Up Pace On Girls Education
DAR ES SALAAM / GENEVA (AANA) December 9 - Declaring that "the education of
girls is key to real progress in overcoming poverty," UNICEF last
week announced a major initiative to get girls into school in 25
priority countries, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
Speaking to a meeting of African Education Ministers here on December 3,
UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy announced the "25 by 2005"
campaign to eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education.
The campaign, which includes 15 countries in Africa, focuses on
countries where girls are furthest behind and where progress would
make a real impact. Bellamy said UNICEF is prepared to do whatever is
necessary to help the countries meet the goal of gender equality in
education by 2005.
"It is our commitment that no girl will be left behind as her country
attempts to move forward, and that every girl will be educated to assume
her rightful place as an agent in her country's development," Bellamy told
the Ministers.
She spoke at the opening session of the eighth conference of Ministers of
Education of African Member States (MINEDAF VIII), held in Dar es Salaam
during December 3-6.
The Millennium Development Goals agreed to by all the Member States of the
United Nations have set 2005 as the first milestone, seeking to end gender
disparities in primary and secondary education by the end of that year.
Bellamy warned that failure to achieve credible progress toward the goals
is a threat to human development. "Any delay will only perpetuate
entrenched inequities and condemn yet another generation of children to a
life of poverty, dependence, and unfulfilled possibility," Bellamy said..
UNICEF will work closely with governments and other partners to
identify girls who are not in school in the 25 countries. In each country,
UNICEF will work with the government to mobilize new resources, build broad
national consensus about the need to get girls in school, and help improve
schools themselves to make them more welcoming to girls.
UNICEF said the lessons learned in the 25 by 2005 campaign over the next
two years will be applied to accelerating girls' education in other
countries until all children - girls and boys - enjoy their right to a
quality basic education.
UNICEF said it had chosen a manageable number of countries and based its
selection on criteria that looked for countries with one or more of the
following: low enrolment rates for girls; gender gaps of more than 10
percent in primary education enrolment; countries with more than one
million girls out of school; and countries hard hit by a range of
crises that affect schooling opportunities for girls, such as HIV/AIDS and
The majority of the targeted countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa, a
region with one of the most pronounced gender gaps in enrolment and home
to 50 million out-of-school children, including 27 million girls.
Despite progress in girls' enrolment in the last ten years, glaring gender
disparities persist in many of the selected African countries.
Bellamy underscored the importance of focusing on girls, noting that the
numbers and proportions of girls out of school present a "human rights
tragedy and a downward spiral in development".
Of the 120 million children who never go to school, the majority are girls.
An even greater majority of those who get some schooling but do not reach
the fifth grade are girls.
Girls, more often than boys, are denied opportunities to go to school in
times of crisis and instability. In many countries cultural gender bias
and domestic demands keep girls at home and out of the classroom.
UNICEF advocates for investment in girls' education as an entryway for all
children to fulfil their right to a quality basic education. A singular
focus on getting girls into school works to bring down the barriers that
keep all children out of school.
Moreover, when girls are educated they are more likely to ensure the
education and health of their own children - a cyclical effect of enormous
importance. Held on average every five years, the MINEDAF conferences
make a critical assessment of educational policies and practices in
Africa and recommend strategic action.
The conference of African Education Ministers follows on the heels of the
five-day Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education, also held in Dar
es Salaam.
Traumatic Experience Of A Woman Victim Of War
Kitgum area and many other parts of Northern Uganda have experienced a
state of insecurity for over 16 years now. The insurgency of rebels in the
area has caused unfathomable suffering and pain to the people who live
there. Apart from the maiming that is caused by landmines in the area,
there is so much pain in terms of psychological torture and trauma.
By Isaiah Kipyegon
Consider these words from Isaiah 43: 18-19: "Forget the former things, do
not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing, now it springs up do you
not perceive it?"
These are the words from the Bible that have become endeared sentiments and
a theme for Margaret Arach. Yet it has not been this way all along. The
events that took place in her life toward the end of 1998 marked the
turning point of her life, and that with so much agony.
When a landmine exploded under the vehicle Arach was travelling in,
shattering her life in a split of a second, such words of comfort were
nowhere to be heard, much less understood and appreciated.
On the contrary, her mind was filled with questions that would form the
greater part of her struggle to overcome fear and bitterness, at the same
time embracing hope. I had dedicated my life to God two days prior to the
explosion and I knew I had found peace. I did not know the test would come
so soon," says Arach.
The events that took place on that twenty-second day of December 1998 were
more than just a test. She had just started to settle down in Kitgum in
Northern Uganda where she had found a job that prompted her relocation from
Kampala, the capital, where her family lives.
On that fateful day, Arach was on her way to Kampala to join her children
for Christmas. The bus she was travelling in ran over a landmine that had
been strategically placed by rebels.
Most of the passengers thought the resultant explosion was a tyre burst.
Nevertheless reality dawned on them when they heard gun shots and saw
themselves being slowly surrounded by armed rebels.
"I immediately realised that we had been ambushed. I was still ignorant of
the fact that my leg had been completely severed by the explosion until I
tried to run. That is when I noticed the dangling flesh where my foot used
to be," says Arach.
Kitgum area and many other parts of Northern Uganda have experienced a
state of insecurity for over 16 years now. The insurgency of rebels in the
area has caused unfathomable suffering and pain to the people who live
there. Apart from the maiming that is caused by landmines in the area,
there is so much pain in terms of psychological torture and trauma.
Arach was lucky enough to escape with her life, but the vivid memories of
her violators looting from her still linger in her mind. In fact one of
them tried to rape her, but when she feigned death she was left alone.
According to Bishop Baker Ochola II from the Acholi Religious Leaders Peace
Initiative the people of Northern Uganda have for a long time lived under
oppression and the fear of the realities of insecurity presented in the
community. As a church leader in the area, Bishop Ochola II says he has
buried very many people, thanks to the situation in their community.
"As a diocesan priest in Kitgum I spend most of my time burying people
ruthlessly killed by the two warring factions, that is the government and
the rebels".
Some of the people who could not take any more of the pain committed
suicide. Bishop Ochola II recalls the moment his daughter committed suicide
after she was defiled and abused by rebels. As if to add more injury to a
fresh wound wife was killed by a landmine.
"My wife was blown into pieces by a landmine that was planted by rebels. I
felt like a tree that had been split from top to bottom by lightning".
For Arach and Bishop Ochola II, life has to take a new turn and at the same
time acquire a new meaning. Despite the fact that bitterness and anger kept
Arach from total healing for a long time, the word of God has opened new
avenues for her.
She confesses that read the book of Psalms and found solace there. However,
her turning point came through the words of the book of Isaiah 43: 18-19,
which encouraged her to forget the things of the past and to embrace the
new things God is doing.
She now uses her disability to advocate for other landmine survivors and
people with disabilities. On the other hand, Bishop Ochola II says he has
embarked on a lifestyle that is entirely dedicated to peace building and
Says he: "I have dedicated my life and my time to peace in Uganda and in
the world. I do not want anyone else to ever go through what happened in my
That it has not been easy for them and the hundreds of others in their
situation is an understatement. Yet, they have used their turmoil as an
opportunity and a platform to advocate for peace and justice.
Many of them have had to go through counselling and various therapies in
order to at least calm down and deal with their overwhelming lose. At the
same time lessons have been learnt and taught as those affected seek to
provide counselling and solace to others.
Arach acknowledges the fact that most of the so called rebels who still
cause untold suffering to the population of Northern Uganda are only
children who were abducted and taught in a brutal way to inflict pain and
to kill.
"They are empty and need help. We need to cultivate a culture of
forgiveness, and to support these rebels when they come back".
Cases of rebels who have come back to the society seeking forgiveness and
reformation are plentiful. Morlee Zawoo from Liberia is an example of such.
He was conscripted into the National Patriotic Front of Liberia when he was
15 and in 9th grade.
After years of experiencing bloody battles and killing many people and
destroying property, Morlee fled from the front. "I broke my arm in an
ambush and due to my subsequent disability and the death of my brothers on
the battlefront, I escaped".
Such participation in the battlefront was not without consequences. For
many days and nights Morlee suffered from terrible fear and nightmares that
kept home reminding him of the atrocities he committed and witnessed.
Morlee now works as a preacher of the gospel and as a counsellor who
through his own experiences help in the restoration of many a youth who
have worked in battlefronts.
That these three people have dedicated their lives to serving other and
advocating for peace in their communities and in the society at large is
nothing short of a miracle. They understand, only too well, that peace is a
gift that should be embraced.
Dreams Over AGOA Initiative May Not Come True
With an increase in textile and apparels export earnings rising by 800
percent from US $7 million in 2000 to US$137 million this year, African
Growth and Opportunity Act AGOA is set to absorb 25,000 Kenyans in direct
employment at the end of this year. But the bright prospects of creation of
employment opportunities in an hitherto gloomy economy may not last beyond
two years.
By Pedro Shipepechero
It may as well be that prospects of creation of employment opportunities in
an economy that has for the past 10 years been shrinking and retrenching
workers, are only temporary as exporters warn that they may not last beyond
September 2004, unless the textile and apparel provision of Agoa is
renegotiated or the cotton industry is bolstered to resuscitate and
increase local production of yarn.
Compared with the experience of the three West African nations, the
prospects of long term benefits of Agoa to Kenya's textile and cotton
industries appear remote in the context of the US government's subsidies to
cotton farmers, which have pushed down the prices of cotton in the world
market to an all-time low.
Signed into law in May 2001 by the Congress, Agoa provides duty free access
to the world's largest market - the US - for most products from eligible
African countries. The Act was the initiative former US president Bill
Clinton, which aimed at fighting poverty on the impoverished continent
through increased exports to the US markets.
Under the Agoa initiative, over 8,000 products are eligible for export to
the US, although the textile and apparel provisions of the Act are by far
the most significant to African farm products.
But even as the prospects of African producers of cotton move to adhere to
the rules of origin, trade experts in developing countries warn that the
trade preference was designed to hoodwink African farmers into supporting
the American farmer.
An assessment of Agoa by Oxfam under the Make Trade Fair initiative, warns
that, "The economic losses inflicted by the US cotton subsidy programme far
outweigh the benefits of its aidThe cotton subsidy programme has also
undermined the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative, costing
countries like Benin, Burkina Faso and Chad more than they have received in
debt relief".
Currently, African countries are allowed to source fibre and yarn from a
third country as long as they do not violate rules of origin including
trans-shipment of the products. Kenya, which was among the first to qualify
under the textile protocol, has so far exported textile worth over KShs 11
billion (US$ 137.5 million), according to trade consultant Mr Peter Kegode.
However, Kegode says that the country has done very little to prepare its
cotton industry for the US markets, valued at over US$1.4 trillion. "The
cost of fabric in Kenya is too high and Kenya must do something urgent to
get investors to invest in this country. So far, we are only getting lip
service," said Mr Ulha Kamat, the chairman, Kenya Apparel Manufacturers and
Exporters Association.
The high production cost of the crop in Kenya not necessarily translated
into profits for the primary producers, as according to Oxfam, government
subsidies to American farmers "artificially raise the cost of cotton
production in the US, stimulate exports and, by extension, artificially
depress the world market price of cotton".
Oxfam points out that the subsidies trigger balance-of-payments pressure in
cotton producing countries as "lower world prices are transmitted to the
poor in the form of reduced farm incomes, lower agricultural wages and
diminished provision of basic services". The result is that there is more
capital outflow from Africa countries than inflow under Agoa.
At a recent workshop organised to disseminate information of the impact of
Agoa on Kenya's economy, particularly on primary producers, it emerged that
sub-Saharan Africa faced problems of supply as the region could only meet
30 percent of the total demand owing to the high cost of production of
cotton and textile.
During the workshop held in Kenya's western city, Kisumu, Kamat said that
Agoa would have been a great development opportunity if the Kenyan
government took steps to lower the cost of farm inputs.
More exports to US would have helped to revamp the economy that is starved
of donor funding and overburdened by domestic borrowing and heavy debt
servicing, said Kamat.
Kegode, the lead researcher in the study, said Kenya needed to develop its
capacity to efficiently produce local fabric by 2004 to cash in on the
export opportunity provided by Agoa.
The present Cotton Act, which was last revised in 1990, he said, needed to
be amended to reflect the current realities in the sector, among them
capital outlay for the new technology that needs to be infused in the
institutional structures such as ginnery operations and textile mills.
The government's commitment to policy implementation, high taxation
regimes, weak support institutions and poor infrastructure coupled with
limited access to credit were some of the impediments to full exploitation
of Agoa.
He said that unless these factors are reviewed in the interests of the
farmers, Agoa may cease to be the means of fighting poverty and become a
vehicle for further impoverishment of the local producers, many of whom
live off less than a dollar per day.
Participants in the workshop, who included cotton farmers, exporters and
USAid officials want the initiative to be driven by the private sector and
not the government.
In Kenya, the Ministry of Trade and Industry oversees the Agoa initiative.
However, potential beneficiaries of the initiative do not have information
required to facilitate the implementation of the initiative. Although the
Ministry of Trade and Industry has a website, many Kenya traders do not
know about it.
"Most of the officers who had been trained on Agoa by the government had
been made redundant with the restructuring in the civil service," said an
official from the Ministry.
Mr Thomas Joseph, Action Aid Kenya's Country Director, lent support to the
general feeling that Agoa in its present structure will not fight poverty
in Africa as had been expected. He said that the playing field is not even
and took issue with the subsidies the US government gives to her farmers.
"As the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank insist on the
tearing down of our barriers, others are being erected", Joseph said.
Joseph's sentiments tie in with the issues Oxfam has raised
regarding double standards by the US in as far trade liberalisation is
Says Oxfam: "Through the aid programme, the Bush administration has
sought to promote free market reforms in Africa. Similarly, trade
preferences under Agoa are conditional on Africa liberalising the
agricultural market, including the cotton sector".
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