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[PCUSANEWS] Presbyterians Today seeks essays
11 Dec 2002 16:19:49 -0500
Note #7539 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Presbyterians Today seeks essays
December 10, 2002
Presbyterians Today seeks essays
by proud Presbyterians
by Jerry Van Marter
LOUISVILLE — Are you Presbyterian and proud of it? If your answer is
“Yes!” and you can explain why in 150 wellchosen words,
your essay could be published in Presbyterians Today, the denominational
magazine of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Whether you’re a newcomer to Presbyterianism or a descendant of John
Calvin himself, Presbyterians Today would like to hear from you by February
1, 2003.
What do you most appreciate about the Presbyterian Church? Explain (in 150
words or less) what makes you glad to be part of this branch of the Christian
family. A sampling of the essays contributed will be published in a future
issue of the magazine.
Send your contribution by February 1 to Presbyterians Today, 100 Witherspoon
St., Louisville, KY 402021396; fax: (502) 5698632;
email: Please include your name, address, and
telephone number.
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