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[LCMSNews]Iowa East re-elects Arp

From "LCMS e-News" <>
Date Mon, 30 Jun 2003 22:07:43 -0500

	LCMS News

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	June 30, 2003 ....................... LCMSNews -- No. 66

	Iowa East re-elects
	Arp on first ballot

	Dr. Gary Arp was re-elected on the first ballot to his second
term as president of the LCMS Iowa District East during the district's
convention June 27-28 in Cedar Rapids.

	Rev. Matthew Rueger, Hubbard, was re-elected as first vice
president, and Rev. Christian Gugel, Osage, was elected as second vice

	The convention was dedicated to the memory of Dr. A.L. Barry,
former Iowa East and LCMS president, and used as its theme one of
Barry's themes -- "Keep the Message Straight ... Get the Message Out."
Barry died in March 2001.

	Delegates passed a resolution reconfirming the Synod's position
to reject the destruction of embryos for stem-cell research.

	They also voted to ask the 2004 Synod convention to:

	* reaffirm the historical accuracy of Genesis and make sure that
it is being taught throughout the Synod's Concordia University System;

	* require that the Synod convention ratify binding positions of
the LCMS Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM); and

	* overturn two CCM opinions -- one that says, "The Constitution
and Bylaws of the Synod do not allow or contemplate the expulsion of a
member of the Synod on the basis of an action taken with the full
knowledge and approval of the appropriate ecclesiastical supervisor,"
and a similar opinion that applies to district presidents following the
advice of the Synod president and congregations or rostered individuals
following the advice of the district president.

	The delegate action that calls for overruling the CCM opinions
also asks the Synod convention to authorize changes in the LCMS Bylaws
that would clarify the matters that resolution addresses.


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