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[LCMSNews] Montana re-elects Wollenburg

From "LCMS e-News" <>
Date Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:45:10 -0500

	LCMS News

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	July 1, 2003 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 68

	Montana re-elects Wollenburg

	Dr. George Wollenburg was re-elected to his fourth consecutive
full term as president of the Montana District at the district's 29th
convention, June 23-27 in Billings, Mont. Wollenburg was elected on the
first ballot. (He also served as president from 1969 to 1977.)

	Also elected were:

	* Rev. Terry Forke, Columbia Falls, Mont., first vice president;

	* Rev. Hank Drummond, Great Falls, Mont., second vice president.

	Among resolutions adopted, delegates voted to:

	* ask the 2004 Synod convention to direct the Board of Directors
and the Board for Higher Education to increase funding to LCMS
seminaries. Related resolutions ask the Synod's 2004 convention to
require that seminary professor candidates have at least five years of
parish ministry experience, and that candidates for Synod president,
vice presidents and district presidents have at least seven years of
parish experience.

	* ask the Synod to direct the Board for Higher
Education/Concordia University System (CUS) to study the possibility of
consolidating the CUS into fewer universities.

	* declare that a member who has received advice from his or her
ecclesiastical supervisor is not exempted from the provisions of Article
XIII of the LCMS Constitution. The resolution asks the 2004 Synod
convention to declare the response of the Commission on Constitutional
Matters (CCM) on this topic to be "invalid and to have no standing in
the Synod"; to declare that the provisions for removal of a member from
the Synod, which are set down in Article XIII of the Constitution, are
to be followed when a member has acted contrary to the Confession laid
down in Article II and the conditions of membership laid down in Article
VI; and to "reprove the CCM" for "exceeding the authority granted them
by, in fact, amending the Constitution by an opinion which purports to


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