From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Taiwanese Presbytery Joins International 4-Way Cooperation
Taiwan Church News <>
Fri, 04 Jul 2003 13:33:57 +0800
Taiwan Church News 2679, July 6, 2003
Reported by Li Hsin-ren. Translated and rewritten by David
The Rev. Li Tsai-ren, vice moderator of the Kaohsiung
Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan returned late in
June from a two-week trip to Germany during which he represented
67 churches and chapels in Southern Taiwan as they joined an
international ecumenical cooperation group.
Mr. Li led a choir from Taiwan that visited Koln and other
cities along the Rhine. Meeting with the West Rhine District of
the German Evangelical Church, they signed onto a partnership
agreement with representatives of the Brazilian Evangelical
Church of the Lutheran Confession and the Congo Baptist Churches
The meetings began on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, with a joint
celebration of the Lord's Supper involving people of different
languages, races and skin colors.
By way of getting to know each other, representatives of each
church shared the missional challenges they face at home. The
German Church noted that though over 90% of their nation's
citizens claim to be Protestant or Roman Catholic believers,
fewer than 10% atively participate in church life. The Congolese
representative spoke of the economic and other struggles created
by ongoing civil war. Brazilians told how resource shortages
have limited their growth potential.
The Kaohsiung team shared the position that Taiwan is not
China, but a self governing sovereign nation. Regarding church
work, they shared the success of weekend children's programs.
Mr. Li expressed hopes for future ecumenical exchanges at the
local presbytery level. In the past, Taiwan's Presbyterian
Church has been ecumenical "at the top". That is not necessarily
the only way to be connected with the wider church of Christ
around the world.
For more information: Kaohsiung Presbytery
Li Tsai-ren
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