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UCC delegates call for worship renewal
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:00:24 -0400
United Church of Christ
General Synod Newsroom
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
By Claudette J. Spence
MINNEAPOLIS?UCC delegates at the 24th General Synod approved a resolution
on Tuesday calling for broad-based discussion about worship life throughout
the UCC, and to consider, evaluate, design and develop new resources for
worship renewal.
The Rev. Russell Mitman, Pennsylvania Southeast Conference Minister, spoke
in favor of the resolution, saying that he was encouraged that for the
first time at General Synod delegates were discussing a significant
proposal about the vitality of the church's worship life.
The UCC enjoys a variety of worship styles and approaches, which complement
its diverse traditions, cultures and theological perspectives. Especially
at General Synod, this multi-faceted approach to worship is made evident
through intentionally diverse worship opportunities.
The resolution calls for discernment about how to invigorate the church's
commitment to and experience of worship, in keeping with the challenges of
being open, affirming, welcoming, and satisfying of the diverse spiritual
needs of a diverse people. The motion passed overwhelmingly.
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