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Episcopalians: Letter to bishops with jurisdiction on consent process

Date Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:45:02 -0400

July 22, 2003


Episcopalians: Letter to bishops with jurisdiction on consent 

Date: July 9, 2003

An unusually large number of Episcopal elections will have taken 
place within three months of the forthcoming triennial meeting 
of the General Convention in Minneapolis; indeed, we expect 
consents to be sought with respect to ten such elections, in 
order to promote efficiency and clarity as to the procedures to 
be followed, the Presiding Bishop has asked me to outline the 
steps that will be taken as to these elections:

1. As you know, under art. II.2 of the Constitution, "the 
consent of a majority of the Bishops of this Church exercising 
jurisdiction" must be obtained, regardless of when the election 
has taken place. (Under Art. I.2 of the Constitution, bishops 
with "jurisdiction" means diocesan bishops.  They are 
distinguished from bishop's coadjutor and other bishops.)  Thus, 
while consents to these elections will be sought at the 
forthcoming Convention, that process is a separate one from the 
business of the whole House of Bishops.

2. On the other hand, as you also know, given the timing of 
these elections, the "consent of the House of Deputies" at the 
forthcoming Convention will be "required in place of that of a 
majority of the Standing Committees" Under Art.II.2.

3. There are now 106 bishops with jurisdiction.  Milwaukee, 
Montana, and New Jersey are vacant.  Accordingly, the consents 
of a majority of 106 bishops with jurisdiction, or 54, must be 
obtained for a bishop to be ordained; and each of the 106 
bishops with jurisdiction is to be given an opportunity to give 
or withhold his or her consent.

4. The Presiding Bishop expects to call for the consent process 
as to each of the ten elections after having received notice 
that the House of Deputies has given its consent.  At that time, 
each bishop with jurisdiction will be given a separate consent 
form for that election and will be asked to return the form to 
the Secretary of the House, within a time specified, either 
granting or withholding consent.  As you know, any form not 
returned to the Secretary will be deemed to denote lack of 

5. It has come to the attention of the Presiding Bishop that one 
or more bishops with jurisdiction may not be able to attend this 
meeting of the Convention.  In order to ensure that every bishop 
with jurisdiction is afforded the right and responsibility under 
the Constitution to grant or withhold consent as to any 
election, the Presiding Bishop has directed me to ask that any 
bishop with jurisdiction who does not intend to come to the 
Convention inform me promptly at Secretary of the House of 
Bishops, 815 Second Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017, no 
later than July 18th, so that I may distribute a consent form 
for each election to that bishop in time for it to be returned 
to me no later than July 28th, at 815 Second Avenue, 7th Floor, 
New York, NY 10017.  Each such consent form shall be held by me 
under seal until the Presiding Bishop calls for the bishops with 
jurisdiction present at the Convention to act on an election.

Best wishes,

The Rt. Rev. Richard SO Chang

Secretary of House of Bishops


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