From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ELCA Survey Shows Need For Development, Evangelism
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:19:17 -0500
July 31, 2003
ELCA Survey Shows Need For Development, Evangelism
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- First Call Theological Education is an
ongoing Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) program
designed to assist new ELCA pastors and non-ordained lay leaders
during their first three years of a call to ministry.
Program participants recently evaluated the program by
answering a variety of questions. A survey was sent to 824
pastors in their first three years of ordained ministry and 618
completed surveys were returned.
The participants ranged in age from 24 to 75. Responses
were analyzed by gender differences and whether leaders were in
their first careers or in second careers.
Results from the survey focused on the level of preparedness
of new pastors, said Connie Leean Seraphine, project coordinator,
First Call Theological Education, ELCA Division for Ministry.
The survey showed that participants felt most confident in
preaching, preparing worship services and visiting church
members. It also showed that participants felt least confident
planning church budgets, planning stewardship programs and
managing church offices.
Second-career pastors rated themselves as better prepared
for working effectively with congregational leaders, guiding
committees and addressing ethical issues in their communities,
Seraphine said.
Participants were also asked how prepared they were to meet
congregational needs. Areas of ministry felt to be most needed
were helping congregations work toward a vision, reaching
unchurched persons and helping congregations revitalize their
ministry. Helping people grow spiritually was also rated high,
but women felt this was more needed than men and also felt more
prepared to work on this need.
The survey also showed that participants expressed that the
need was high in many areas of evangelism, but the preparedness
of the pastors was low. "They've heard a lot about the church
moving in that direction," Seraphine said. "They're being taught
it but don't know how to get people excited about evangelism once
they're in the congregational context."
One area of evangelism that First Call is currently focusing
on is supporting first call pastors who are starting new
congregations or revitalizing existing ones, Seraphine said. A
$31,000 grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a
Minneapolis-based fraternal financial organization, will help
fund this initiative, she said.
Editors: For a summary of the survey, please send requests via
email to
* Jessica A. Crane is completing her bachelor of arts degree at
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. This summer she is an intern
with ELCA News and Media Production.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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