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[LCMSNews]Web survey seeks members' opinions

From "LCMS e-News" <>
Date Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:52:07 -0500

	LCMS News

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	July 31, 2003 ....................... LCMSNews -- No. 85

	Task force offers
	Web questionnaire
	on member losses

	Even though its charged with reversing the Missouri Synods
30-year decline in membership, the Mission 21st Century Task Force
appointed last fall by Synod President Gerald Kieschnick isnt keeping
the job all to itself.

	The 11-member task force has opened its meetings to a wide
variety of people to gather their ideas about why the church body is
declining and what can be done about it, according to Chairman Larry
Stoterau, president of the Pacific Southwest District.

	A new Web site is the latest tool being used by task force
members to gather information. The site offers a questionnaire any LCMS
member can use to offer opinions about what the church should be doing
in the future to capture a mission vision, according to Stoterau.

	Were really trying to hear from the broadest perspective of
the church, he said. We especially want to hear from our laity  what
they think we should be doing.

	The task force is focusing on North America. Its members include
LCMS World Mission staff, district mission leaders, district and
university presidents, and U.S.-based missionaries.

	Its assignment is threefold:

	 Answer the question, Why has LCMS membership declined over
the last 30 years?

	 Suggest changes and strategies for the Synods North America
mission work in the 21st century.

	 Submit to the 2004 Synod convention resolutions that will
capture the mission heart of our delegates and the church, according
to Stoterau.

	Task force members plan to meet Aug. 4-5 in Los Angeles, where
they will attend the Synods first Hispanic convention and do a lot of
observing and listening, Stoterau said.

	To fill out the online questionnaire, go to the Web site of the
Pacific Southwest District at <>
and click on the Mission 21st Century Survey link. Deadline is Oct. 1.


	If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.


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