From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ABCUSA: International Ministries Responds Decisively to Financial
"SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Mon, 3 Nov 2003 14:06:02 -0500
by Eleanor Lundy, American Baptist International Ministries
American Baptist News Service (Valley Forge, Pa. 11/3/03)--American Baptist
International Ministries (IM) has announced that it faces a serious
financial challenge, with a gap of some $3 million between mission
commitments for 2004 and current giving.
In a letter sent last week to American Baptist regional leaders and church
pastors, the Rev. Hictor M. Cortez, International Ministries' executive
director, outlined factors contributing to IM's financial difficulties.
Cortez cited broad cultural changes in the United States, a decades-long
decline in denominational giving, and a sharp downturn in the stock market.
"Amid these dynamics, International Ministries responded to God's call to
mission by expanding its mission program, sending more missionaries
overseas, and increasing staff," Cortez said. "The Lord has blessed the work
of missionaries and staff around the world and has given us marvelous
opportunities to participate in the work of God's Kingdom. At the same time,
giving has remained stagnant and investments have decreased. Further, we
have not adjusted our financial support system in ways that reflect how
Americans give to mission."
Cortez said International Ministries' board and staff are seeking effective
ways to move toward long-term financial sustainability while remaining
faithful to the vision God has given in IM's Go Global strategic plan. He
said IM has trimmed overhead, reduced staff by about 20 percent, and made
decisive program cuts. He reiterated that IM is committed to taking all
possible measures to avoid recalling active missionaries from the field, but
emphasized that this too must be recognized as a possibility.
"The long-term spiritual and financial sustainability of our work around the
world depends on developing more focused and personalized partnerships
between International Ministries, missionaries and local congregations,"
Cortez said. He noted that IM will work with local churches and regional
leaders to develop a healthy, decentralized model of missionary support.
Cortez appealed to churches to prayerfully consider a dramatic increase in
support for International Ministries through the World Mission Offering, and
asked them to join in prayer that IM would "find innovative ways to partner
together that will strengthen every aspect of the global mission of Jesus
American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (800)ABC-3USA x2077
/ (610)768-2077; fax: (610)768-2320;;
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