From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[PCUSANEWS] Walking the walk
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 13:34:20 -0600
Note #8152 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
March 2, 2004
Walking the walk
Presbyterians join tomato pickers in 8-mile protest march
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - More than 150 farm workers and supporters donned walking shoes
on Feb. 27 and marched eight miles through Louisville, from the national
offices of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to the headquarters of a fast-food
company they blame for the unfair labor practices of a subsidiary.
The Florida-based Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) organized the march,
part of a national "Taco Bell Truth Tour," and led peaceful protest rallies
at a Louisville Taco Bell restaurant and at the headquarters of Yum! Brands,
Inc., Taco Bell's parent company.
The predominantly Mexican, Guatemalan and Haitian farm workers are demanding
higher wages and better working conditions in the fields where they pick
tomatoes for the Mexican-style restaurant chain.
"Maybe, if you've done pretty well that day you might come back to your house
with $50," said march leader Lucas Benitez. "But you would have picked two
tons of tomatoes to get that $50. If you get sick and you don't have health
insurance, you'd have to go and pay that out of your own pocket. Even if you
work overtime, you don't have the right to overtime pay. Those are some of
the reasons we are here today."
The pickers currently earn 40 to 45 cents per 32-pound bucket, a rate that
hasn't changed appreciably in more than 20 years. Meanwhile, the average
retail price of tomatoes has risen from 67 cents per pound in 1980 to $1.32
in 2002, according to U.S. government figures.
The coalition wants Taco Bell to urge its distributors to give the farm
workers a one-cent-per-pound raise.
Many of Immokalee's farm workers pick for such companies as Six L's Packing
Co., a distributor that sells tomatoes to Taco Bell. The coalition contends
that a one-cent increase would enable workers to earn 72 cents a bucket, and
a better living.
"It would increase it to something livable," farm worker Jose Antonio
Martinez said. "Not really very high, but at least it's acceptable."
Outside Yum! headquarters, workers built a towering pyramid out of some 120
buckets to show how much one has to pick to earn $50 dollars in a day.
"The pyramid of buckets is to celebrate the strength and the labor of the
farm workers you have produced the wealth (of Yum!)," said Presbyterian
Stephen Bartlett, a member of the local planning committee for the march.
Dozens of sympathetic Presbyterians participated in the event, and several
Louisville congregations helped house, equip and feed the workers, who had
made their way to Kentucky from Florida and planned to go on to California
for a March 5 demonstration at Taco Bell's headquarters in Irvine.
"I think it's important to support the farm workers," said Myrtle Bingham, a
participant who is an elder at Central Presbyterian Church in Louisville.
"They're still working for wages that they were making 20 years ago. It's
hard labor, and they're living in poverty conditions, and that's not
acceptable in this country."
The demonstrators included members of numerous local churches, several
national staff members and other church leaders, students, union members,
farmers and other Christians from around the nation.
"Taco Bell is being unfair," said Aramie Bloom a 23-year-old business major
at the University of Louisville, who was carrying a sign that said, "One More
"They're not taking responsibility for who is providing their product and we
just want to ask them to change. They have a responsibility socially to these
workers and to their families and that's why we're here."
Taco Bell is a major buyer of Florida tomatoes, and the workers want the
fast-food chain and its parent to pressure growers to improve conditions in
the remote agricultural area around Immokalee, FL, about 120 miles northwest
of Miami.
"In Immokalee, it's so sad," said Omar Pinto, 21, a farm worker from Chiapas,
Mexico. "Even worse, because you're treated almost as a slave, where you
can't even earn a wage to pay your rent and utilities."
Pinto said the coalition was pressing its case against Taco Bell and Yum!
because "Jesus Christ died for the truth" and "the poverty that we live in is
the truth."
The Presbyterian Center was chosen as the starting point because the
Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a strong supporter of the CIW and its
nearly three-year-long national boycott.
The 213th General Assembly of the PC(USA), in 2002, endorsed the boycott and
called for good-faith dialogue between Taco Bell's tomato supplier and
representatives of the workers' coalition.
Workers also want Taco Bell to develop and monitor a code of conduct for
growers and packers, and they want Yum! Brands to acknowledge the harsh
living conditions and sub-poverty wages of the farm workers who supply the
tomatoes used in Taco Bell's chalupas and quesadillas.
"You have like a hole in the ground (to live in) sometimes when you go to
some of these camps, where farmers expect you to work and pay for your rent
as well," said Candelario Vazquez, 21, a former farm worker who now attends
Florida State University in Tallahassee. "It's so unequal, because you have
such a low wage and then such a high rent to pay. So it's just a vicious
cycle where you can never get any money, can never get anywhere."
PC(USA) and CIW officials gave the approximately150 demonstrators a prayerful
sendoff on an unseasonably warm, sun-soaked winter day. The Rev. Clifton
Kirkpatrick, the PC(USA)'s stated clerk, addressed the crowd, calling the
boycott of Taco Bell the morally right thing to do. He said the PC(USA) will
continue supporting the effort until it is successful.
"We share at the very deepest level a common commitment to the Coalition of
Immokalee Workers for justice for the farm workers, for God's peace and
justice in the world," said Kirkpatrick, who has visited Immokalee and seen
the workers living and working conditions. "We are grateful to God that you
are beginning this Truth Tour here in Louisville at the Presbyterian Center,
where we share so deeply with you in these common values."
The Rev. Marian McClure, director of the PC(USA)'s Worldwide Ministries
Division, said that the farm workers' situation exemplifies a Biblical
vision: "It is a vision in which everyone has enough and in which no one is
exploited," she said. "So we thank you for reminding us of that vision, a
vision in which Jesus told us that the way we treat each other is the way we
treat him."
McClure also had a message for Yum! Brands, which has more than 33,000
restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories.
"What would really be yummy," she said, "would be a meal to celebrate that
Yum! has agreed to come to the table with the Coalition of Immokalee
Workers," she said, referring to the Louisville-based company that also owns
KFC, Pizza Hut, A&W and Long John Silver's. "That Yum! has agreed to ... sit
down and work out a more just living for the tomato workers and everyone who
is part of the coalition."
Benitez called the PC(USA) "a pillar of support" for the workers.
"It's time for us as farm workers to stop being second-class citizens," the
farm worker said before the march began. "It's time for us as farm workers to
be seen as first-class citizens who put the food that we eat on the tables of
this nation. Today we are going to Yum! Brands, not to ask, but to demand
what belongs to us. To have a place at this table."
Benitez, who has participated in investigations of several recent slavery
cases in Immokalee, said holding the Truth Tour during Lent was appropriate
because it presented a "moment for us to remember Jesus, who as a pilgrim
made his pilgrimage, and we now are walking in a similar manner seeking truth
and justice."
Marching behind Latin rhythms and rock tunes belted from a sound system on a
flatbed truck, the demonstrators chanted and waved signs or carried oversized
props representing corporate fat cats or the faces of migrant workers. Signs
displayed such messages as "One More Penny", "Taco Bell Exploits Farm
Workers" and "Stop Sweat Shops Now!"
Some demonstrators chanted "Boycott Taco Bell"; others yelled "End Slavery
Now." Many wore buttons bearing a picture of a small dog used in Taco Bell's
chalupa ads with a line drawn through it.
Eighteen-year-old David Wigger, a high school senior and member of Crescent
Hill Presbyterian Church in Louisville, said it was hearing about the
workers' sub-poverty wages and poor working conditions that prompted him to
join in the daylong event. "I feel that I should try to do something, even if
it's something small, to help them out," he said.
Some motorists passing by honked their car horns in support. Others emerged
from stores and restaurants along the parade route to raise fists in support
of the tomato pickers.
At Yum! headquarters, the protesters found the stately white building
temporarily barricaded and enclosed by a chain-link fence. The farm workers
draped their sweat-stained work clothes over the fence.
"They're leaving it on the barrier-fence that has been erected at Yum to show
the dirty laundry of that cooperation," said Bartlett, who serves on the
National Council of Churches' Agricultural Missions office."
A Yum! official contended that the matter is a labor dispute between the farm
workers and their direct employer, and Yum! is in no position to negotiate.
However, officials have said they will meet with the workers in April.
"They're asking us to put pressure on Six L's, but we buy so few tomatoes
from them that we're not in a position to influence their decision," said
Jonathan Blum, a senior vice president. "We understand from the Six L's that
their employees earn $9 per hour, and we continue to urge them to resolve
their labor differences."
Boycott supporters denied that any ICW workers earn as much as $9 an hour,
and say that Yum!, as a major buyer of Florida tomatoes, is influential.
Presbyterian congregations nationwide are backing the coalition, according to
the Rev. Noelle Damico, a United Church of Christ minister who is the
national boycott coordinator for the PC(USA).
Damico said Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in Naples, FL, the closest PC(USA)
congregation to Immokalee, purchased new shoes for the workers for the march.
She said St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, CA, will house the
workers overnight after the March 5 rally and provide breakfast.
For more information about the boycott, visit the Web sites of the workers'
coalition, the PC(USA) and the National Farm Worker Ministry.
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