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GOAA - Greek Orthodox Observations on The Passion of Christ
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Tue, 02 Mar 2004 15:31:42 -0800
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February 27, 2004
Observations by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
The recent release of Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the Christ," has
evoked significant reaction from people of all faiths across America and
throughout the world. In part, the controversy stems from the fact that
the film, which focuses almost exclusively on the last hours of our Lord's
earthy life, makes use of extremely graphic violence. In addition, many
have expressed concern that the film might create anti-Semitic
feelings. In light of these controversies, and in response to numerous
inquiries, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America offers the following
Already, some of our own Hierarchs have issued statements regarding Mr.
Gibson's film. One of these statements, from our Metropolis of Chicago,
criticizes the film for including a significant amount of material not
found in the Gospel accounts of Christ's arrest, trial and crucifixion, and
expresses regret that the message of Jesus is apparently reduced to His
sufferings. Another statement, from our Metropolis of Boston, acknowledges
the possibility that the film may lead the viewer "to reflect deeply on the
pain of Christ"s passion. Elsewhere in the world, Orthodox Christian
leaders have expressed dismay at the emotionalism produced by the film,
which contrasts with the sobriety of the Orthodox hymnology and art of the
Holy Week services.
With every passing hour, more and more Orthodox clergymen of various
jurisdictions are registering their own approval or criticism on parish
websites or personal weblogs or Orthodox Internet discussion
groups. Clearly, Orthodox Christians, like other persons from communities
of faith throughout our country, have articulated a wide range of
experiences and reactions to this work of cinematic art.
In the days and weeks to come, millions of people of every faith and people
of no faith will experience this movie, and Christians in particular will
be challenged to answer for themselves many questions, including the
following: Is the violence in the film appropriate or excessive? Does it
enhance faith, or does it detract from it? Does the supplemental material
used in the film, not present in any of the Gospels, create confusion and
conflict within the minds and the hearts of the viewers? Does the movie
seem to single out a particular people for blame, or does it implicate all
of humankind in the death of Christ? Is the relentless focus on the
physical sufferings of Christ excessive?
We have already heard many different answers to these and similar
questions. However, despite the lack of consensus, we rejoice in the fact
that questions such as these are being discussed in a variety of forums,
public and private. Whatever the strengths and weaknesses of Mr. Gibson's
film (which in the final analysis is a personal expression of a particular
tradition of piety), it has raised to national and international attention
matters of vital spiritual significance, bringing to mind the words of St.
Paul to the Philippians: "Whether in pretense or in truth, in every way,
Christ is proclaimed; and in that I rejoice" (1:18).
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