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[LCMSNews] Internationals at Youth Gathering

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Date Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:47:59 -0600

	LCMS News

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	March 3, 2004 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 24

	National Gathering expected to include youth
	from 23 Synod partner churches

	Young people and their adult leaders from 23 Missouri Synod
partner churches around the world are expected to attend the 2004
National LCMS Youth Gathering July 24-28 in Orlando, according to
Gretchen Jameson, communications manager for the Gathering and for its
sponsor, LCMS District and Congregational Services -- Youth Ministry.

	Jameson said that is one more than the number of partner
churches and countries represented at the 2001 Gathering in New Orleans.

	"We are pleased with this level of international registration,"
she said, "considering all that has happened to discourage international
travel since 9/11."

	The last several Gatherings have included partner-church youth,
said Jameson, who indicated that the Gathering "provides some funding"
for international participation.

	"Youth and adults have told us," she said, "that the opportunity
to experience fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters from around
the world has a profound impact on their experiences at Gatherings,
their understanding of mission and their commitment to outreach."

	Sally Hiller, program manager for the 2004 Gathering's
International Team, said, "It's beyond imagination that this idea has
grown to include options for international participation."

	"Beyond Imagination" is the Gathering's theme.

	Hiller explained that international youth will have the option
to be part of the Gathering's Diversity Emphasis Leadership Initiative
in Orlando for two days before the Gathering begins.

	She also said that "many international youth" will participate
in "a global servant event to be known as "ABLAZE," beginning with the
LCMS convention July 9 in St. Louis. The convention's theme is "One
Mission Ablaze!," and "Ablaze!" is also the theme of LCMS World
Mission's initiative to share the Gospel with 100 million unreached
people by 2017.

	Hiller explained that international youth participating in the
ABLAZE servant event will travel by train from St. Louis to Orlando,
"going out of their way" to participate in servant events in Chicago,
New York and Washington, D.C.

	"These international youth will be sharing their gifts of drama,
song, dance, and even soccer," Hiller said, "while witnessing in
congregations, vacation Bible schools and summer-camp programs."

	For more information about the National LCMS Youth Gathering or
its international-participants program, go to the Gathering Web site,, or call (800) 248-1930, Ext. 1155.


	If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.


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