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ELCA Publisher Offers 'The Passion,' 'DaVinci Code' Resources

Date Fri, 5 Mar 2004 15:34:38 -0600


March 5, 2004

ELCA Publisher Offers 'The Passion,' 'DaVinci Code' Resources

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Augsburg Fortress, the Minneapolis-based
publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), has developed discussion guides for "The Passion of the
Christ," a popular film produced by Mel Gibson, and for "The
DaVinci Code," a popular book written by Dan Brown.
     The discussion guide for "The Passion" is available now, and
the guide for "The DaVinci Code" will be available no later than
March 15, said Beth A. Lewis, president and chief executive
officer, Augsburg Fortress.  Both are available for purchase at on the
publisher's Web site.
     The resources were created in response to "many requests for
resources with a Lutheran perspective to help individuals, small
groups and congregations explore the faith issues and questions
raised" in both the film and book, Lewis said.
     Each discussion guide is four pages and downloadable in
reproducible form.  The guides can easily be used in forums, book
clubs, Sunday School classes and Bible study groups, Lewis said.
     "The Passion of the Christ" discussion guide was written by
the Rev. Craig R. Koester, professor of New Testament, Luther
Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., one of eight ELCA seminaries.  The
guide is meant to help viewers discuss their reactions to the
motion picture and to the main characters and how they are
portrayed in the film and in Scripture texts, Lewis said.  The
guide also includes suggestions on how to reflect on Jesus'
suffering and death and their meaning in today's world, she said.
     Matthew L. Skinner's study guide on "The DaVinci Code"
explores the making and meaning of the New Testament ''canon,''
other early Christian texts and movements, and women leaders in
first-century churches, Lewis said.  Skinner is assistant
professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary.
     Both resources may be photocopied for use within the
purchaser's congregation or small group, Lewis added.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or

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