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Lutherans Celebrate 'Schools Week' March 7-13

Date Mon, 8 Mar 2004 11:07:02 -0600


March 8, 2004

Lutherans Celebrate 'Schools Week' March 7-13

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Under the theme "Let the Children Come,"
some 200 elementary and secondary schools and 1,800 early
childhood education centers of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) are celebrating Lutheran Schools Week March 7-13.
About 20,000 teachers work with 250,000 children who attend ELCA
schools and early childhood education centers across the country.
     "Over the years, thousands of children have come to Lutheran
schools to learn," said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the ELCA, in an "affirmation" for Lutheran Schools Week.
"They have learned about language, the world, science and
mathematics, but they have also learned that they are God's
beloved children.  As bearers of God's Good News for the world,
they embody hope for the future." The letter is at on the
     Last year the U.S. House of Representatives voted to support
the goals of Lutheran Schools Week.  U.S. Representative Douglas
Bereuter (R-Neb. 1st) introduced House Resolution 106, which
recognizes that Lutheran schools "deliver high-quality education
and challenge students to reach their potential."  Lutheran
schools produce students who are "strongly dedicated" to their
faith, values and morals by providing "an environment that
encourages honesty, trust and responsibility."
     For this year's observance, the ELCA Division for Higher
Education and Schools has provided suggestions for schools and
centers to celebrate.  Suggestions include special worship,
classroom Bible study and all-school activity resources, which
are available at on
the Web.
     "Lutheran schools and centers provide environments whose
mission it is to provide children and families with safe, caring
and nurturing communities where they can grow, learn and look to
the gospel to shape their futures. ELCA schools and centers are
places where children and youth are encouraged to come and be a
part of the global community that is their world," said Donna R.
Braband, assistant director for schools, ELCA Division for Higher
Education and Schools.
     Lutheran Schools Week is an annual observance intended to
call attention to early childhood centers and elementary and
secondary schools of the ELCA, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or

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