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NCC Marks H-Bomb Tests Anniversary, Urges Nuclear Disarmament
"Carol Fouke" <>
Mon, 8 Mar 2004 17:57:42 -0500
NCC Observes Anniversary of Pacific H-Bomb Tests, Urges Global Nuclear
March 8, 2004, WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Twice in just over a week, National
Council of Churches General Secretary Robert W. Edgar has issued calls for
global nuclear disarmament.
On March 8 in Washington, D.C., he joined Dr. Helen Caldicott of the Nuclear
Policy Research Institute, Howard Hallman of Methodists United for Peace with
Justice and others in the religious, scientific and medical communities to
call for a halt to the post-Cold War nuclear arms race on the grounds that it
is immoral and unnecessary.
"As people of faith, who care deeply for God's Creation including the people
whom God created to enjoy it and to be faithful stewards over it, we call on
our government and the Bush Administration to take leadership in global
nuclear disarmament," Dr. Edgar said. "We must ask ourselves why we continue
to construct weapons that have the power to destroy us, rather than build
systems and structures that will save lives and help all persons reach the
potential for which God created them."
Dr. Edgar noted that he had just returned from a 50th anniversary
commemoration of Operation Bravo, the March 1, 1954, atmospheric test of the
H-Bomb on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. He and other participants in
the commemoration asked justice for those still suffering the effects of
those tests and urged the United States to lead the world in eliminating
weapons of mass destruction.
Dr. Edgar's March 8 statement follows, as does the statement from U.S.
participants in the February 27-March 1 anniversary event in Majuro, Marshall
* * * *
Rev. Dr. Robert W. Edgar
General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA
March 8, 2004
Last week I returned from the Marshall Islands, where I witnessed first hand
the devastation nuclear weapons can unleash. You may remember that between
1946 and 1958 more than 65 nuclear tests were carried out in the Pacific
Islands by the U.S. government. After 50 years the people there continue to
live with the physical, emotional and spiritual scars, along with the
environmental hazards, that nuclear testing brought.
Death, cancer and other diseases, and dislocation have resulted from this
testing. Perhaps we still do not know the full extent of the damage that has
been done. However, what we do know is that it is time for global nuclear
disarmament to become a reality. It is morally wrong and environmentally
As people of faith, who care deeply for God's Creation including the people
whom God created to enjoy it and to be faithful stewards over it, we call on
our government and the Bush Administration to take leadership in global
nuclear disarmament. We must ask ourselves why we continue to construct
weapons that have the power to destroy us, rather than build systems and
structures that will save lives and help all persons reach the potential for
which God created them. I believe that the same expertise and know-how that
was used to build weapons of mass destruction can be used to build bridges of
hope. If we have the power and the will to create something that could
annihilate all of humankind, surely we can summon the will to provide
adequate and affordable health care to every American. Surely, we can find
ways to support public education and our children. I know that we can find
ways to live a more peaceful and harmonious existence. But it must start with
us. We must first ha
e the courage to lead the way internationally, knowing that others will
follow our lead.
Being the world's only superpower comes with responsibility. For to whom much
is given, much is required. What is required is that we use our status to
make the world a better and safer place for generations to come. What is
required is that we recognize what we do for the most vulnerable of our
brothers and sisters, we do for God, as we are taught in Matthew 25:40. What
is required is that we take a stand for what is right and just. What is
required is that we take a stand so that we no longer live under a cloud of
fear that one day the world, and all the people in it, will be destroyed by
nuclear weapons. We, at the National Council of Churches, along with others
in the faith community, are committed to continue to work tirelessly to make
sure the madness of the nuclear arms race ends and instead, peace and justice
After 50 Years: A Statement from Feb. 27-March 1, 2004, Commemoration of
Operation Bravo
What we do unto the least of these, our brothers and sisters, we do unto
-- Based on Matthew 25:40
We speak as leaders and representatives of the National Council of Churches
of Christ in the USA, the United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist
Church who have participated in the 50th anniversary commemoration of
Operation Bravo, the March 1, 1954, atmospheric test of the H-Bomb on Bikini
Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
We have traveled here to listen to the survivors of Operation Bravo and the
66 other nuclear tests carried out between 1946 and 1958 in the Pacific
Islands by our government and to remember their stories. The result of these
blasts has been death, cancer, disease, and dislocation. What has been done
cannot be undone, but our churches have long been pledged to work for justice
for the people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands so that they may be
compensated for the personal and property loss they have experienced these
many years.
To the survivors of the 67 nuclear bomb tests:
With humility, as disciples of Jesus Christ we express our own sorrow and
contrition for the horrendous acts carried out against you by our government
and commit to you that we will work to secure an official apology and just
financial compensation to you from the United States.
To our government:
It is morally right and proper for our government to issue an official
apology for the horrors perpetrated on the innocent people of the Republic of
the Marshall Islands. We encourage the Congress to hold public hearings as
soon as possible in both the Republic of the Marshall Islands and in
Washington to consider the changed circumstances that warrant continued
federal action on behalf of the people of those affected by the nuclear
We urge the President and Congress to view the world as our friend and not
our enemy. Repenting of our national sins and asking forgiveness is a sign
of strength, not weakness. Further, we call on our government to halt
production of our weapons of mass destruction as an example of leadership for
the entire world.
To others present this weekend who have been victimized by military actions
of the United States:
We are grateful to join with representatives of the people of Vieques,
Hawaii, and Japan who have themselves experienced conventional and nuclear
bombing by the United States. We applaud your courage and determination to
reclaim your lands and restore peace and harmony and wholeness following
death and destruction.
Operation Bravo was ironically named. There was nothing heroic about it 50
years ago as a yet larger and more powerful weapon of mass destruction. It
was a sad day for God's Creation. We do say, however, a heart-felt Bravo! to
the survivors of the nuclear tests. Bravo to all those who have experienced
suffering, disease, pain, loss, and the death of loved ones with inordinate
grace! Bravo to the millions who resist the madness of the nuclear arms race
and stand with these courageous people to bring peace and justice and an end
to war. We pledge to work to see this will happen never again.
Source: National Council of Churches USA
NCC Media Contacts: 212-870-2252 and 202-544-2350 x 11
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