From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Taiwan's Bible Society Offers to Replace Pulpit Bibles for Aborigines
"pctpress" <>
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 08:24:36 +0800
Taiwan Church News 2715, 8 through 14 March 2004
Reported by Chen Yi-shiuan. Translated and Rewritten by David Alexander
In recent years some Aboriginal churches in Taiwan have had to rebuild their
facilities after damage in earthquakes, landslides or floods. The Taiwan
Bible Society recently renewed its offer to replace pulpit bibles.
Society Vice Secretary for Operations Lai Shih-min described the offer.
"Send a Pulpit Bible to An Aboriginal Church" is a movement to raise funds
the society. If a person or church donates 10,000 Taiwan Yuan (US$294) this
will cover the cost of two pulpit bibles. The Society will inscribe the front
page of one of these with the donor's name and deliver it to a needy
Aboriginal congregation. The other volume will be presented to the donor for
use as a family Bible.
Elder Lai says, "These editions of the Bible are worth 6,300 Taiwan Yuan,
but we are offering them for only 5,000 at this time. Besides being a
beautiful and useful addition to a church worship hall, they are suitable for
presentation to families or to newly married couples.
For More Information: Taiwan Bible Society
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