From the Worldwide Faith News archives
AACC - Madagascar Cyclones
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 22:49:47 -0800
The people of Madagascar have experienced great affliction after the Island
was hit by two cyclones
Tel: 254 - 20 - 4441483, 4441338/9 7 Fax: 254 - 20- 4443241, 4445835
General Secretariat: Waiyaki Way, P.O. Box 14205 , 00800 Westlands,
Nairobi, Kenya
Our Ref: March 12, 2004
The people of Madagascar have experienced great affliction after the Island
was hit by two cyclones in the last two months. Elita, which was the first
cyclone, destroyed major infrastructure including churches and homes.
As efforts were being made to settle the displaced victims to begin the
process of reconstruction, another more intense cyclone known as Galifo
struck the northern part of the country and left about 100,000 people
Today a ferry which went missing in the cyclone off the shores of
Madagascar and more than 100 crews including women and children on board
The ecumenical family in Africa through the AACC hereby express deep sorrow
and solidarity with the churches and peoples of Madagascar during these
very difficult times. On behalf of the All Africa conference of churches I
hereby appeal to all well-meaning institutions of goodwill including our
ecumenical partners to come to the aid of this wonderful people and nation.
The process of rebuilding amid the possibility of more calamities will
require not only our compassion but also the unique courage and hope in
Divine providence. May help come now without delay to renew the faith and
confidence of the people of Madagascar in the new future, which ultimately
belongs to God.
Rev Dr H Mvume Dandala, GCOB KStJ
General Secretary All Africa Conference of Churches
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