From the Worldwide Faith News archives
UMCom names director for global communications
"NewsDesk" <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 12:41:12 -0600
March 16, 2004 News media contact: Linda Green 7 (615)742-5470 7 Nashville,
Tenn. 7 E-mail: 7 ALL-HIS{109)
NOTE: A head-and-shoulders photo of Francisco M. Litardo is available at
By Nancye Willis*
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS)--The United Methodist Church's communications agency
has employed a media and leadership professional to develop and implement
global communications services and strategies for the agency.
Francisco M. Litardo, a native of Ecuador, will begin work as United
Methodist Communications' new executive director for program April 12.
"Francisco Litardo brings a wealth of experience in global communications and
broadcast and electronic media to this important arena," said the Rev. Larry
Hollon, top executive of the agency. "His creativity and knowledge will
greatly enhance our ongoing efforts to live out the United Methodist Church's
promise of open hearts, open minds and open doors around the world," he
Since 1998, Litardo has led various national and international efforts of the
American Baptist Churches USA Mission Center, guiding comprehensive education
and communications initiatives for its "Go Global!" strategic plan.
Most recently, he was team leader for mission events and information
technology, establishing and maintaining constituent, partner and media
relations throughout the United States and in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin
America and Southeast Asia.
Prior to that, he worked as operations manager for a 1996 Olympic venue in
Atlanta, and for the 1994 World Cup Soccer competition in Boston. Earlier, he
directed public affairs for the Boston UNIVISION television station and for
the Providence, R.I., public television station.
"I am grateful for God's leading in this new ministry opportunity centered on
helping local churches grow and thrive though their own contextual
expressions," Litardo said. "The global church is never shy about making its
presence and impact known to those around it, even as it experiences
disenfranchisement from most social, economic and political realities in its
Litardo's family migrated to the United States in 1972, and lived in Hoboken,
N.J., for three years before settling in Providence. A graduate of Rhode
Island College, Litardo became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1990.
At an early-March meeting in Nashville, the executive committee of the United
Methodist Commission on Communication, the governing body for United
Methodist Communications, unanimously approved Litardo's hiring.
# # #
*Willis is editor for the Public Information Team at United Methodist
Communications in Nashville, Tenn.
United Methodist News Service
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