From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Newsline - Church of the Brethren news update

Date Thu, 18 Mar 2004 23:00:01 EST

Date: March 19, 2004
Contact: Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford
V: 847/742-5100 F: 847/742-6103

1) General Board gives God praise for its ministries, begins
consideration of facilities use.
2) Brethren Benefit Trust investment funds meet or beat most
industry benchmarks.
3) Annual Conference moderator, denominational staff visit India
4) Committee plans for the 300th anniversary of the Brethren
movement, chooses logo.
5) InterAgency Forum receives Brethren agency reports, discusses
Annual Conference.
6) Church of the Brethren hosts national committee for Decade to
Overcome Violence.
7) Nigerian Brethren mourn the death of long-time church leader
Nvwa Balami.
8) Brethren bits: Annual Conference registration, Brazil mission
staff, and more.

9) Annie Clark will join On Earth Peace as coordinator of Conflict
10) Nadine Pence Frantz is appointed full professor of theological
studies at Bethany.


1) General Board gives God praise for its ministries, begins
consideration of facilities use.

"A new song," a theme taken from Psalm 89, framed General Board
meetings in Elgin, Ill., Mar. 12-15. Stories of work done in the
name of Jesus Christ and on behalf of the Church of the Brethren
set the tone as the Board gave God praise for its ministries. The
Board also began a process to consider the stewardship of its

At several times over the course of the meeting, stories told in
reports, devotions, and worship were met with an appreciative
silence. "It's not often that words fail me, but this is one of
those times," said Donna Shumate, chair, after viewing slide
presentations of the rebuilding of a school in Iraq and relief
efforts following an earthquake in Iran, both funded by the
Emergency Disaster Fund. Later, an offering taken during worship
received $437 for the work in Iran.

Of the more than 20 reports received, highlights included stories
from staff visits to North Korea, Vietnam, and Brazil; views of the
work supported by the Global Food Crisis Fund; the general
secretary's participation in "Christian Churches Together in the
US" with Church of the Brethren participation under study by the
Committee on Interchurch Relations; a presentation by guests Paul
Grout and Jim Buckles giving a vision for a new expression of
church called "A Place Apart"; and budget and funding reports.
Treasurer Judy Keyser reported that a planning team is working
earlier than usual on a budget projection for 2005, as well as on
measures to counteract possible budget deficits.

The extensive reporting--planned with the intent to build community
and gain a wider consideration of the Board's work, according to
general secretary Stan Noffsinger--led to questions from Board
members about how to be more directly involved in Board ministries.
A few expressed frustration at having a "passive role." Others
talked about the challenge of communicating the stories. Board
member Angie Lahman Yoder commented on the "privilege to be able to
hear of so many wonderful things going on," and her desire to share
that with others.

The Board approved the formation of an ad hoc committee to study
stewardship of its properties, responding to "voices from the
pews," said Shumate. The ad hoc group will be appointed by the
executive committee and reportable to the Board, with the scope of
its task and a timeline yet to be determined. The process will be
open and include all of those potentially affected, such as
employees and agencies that are tenants of the Board, said

The Board learned that Heifer International (formerly Heifer
Project International) is reducing the size of its board of
directors but has assigned the Church of the Brethren a permanent
seat as its founding denomination, in a report from current
Brethren representative Kathleen Campanella.

Two capital funding requests related to the Brethren Service Center
(BSC) were approved: up to $220,000 to improve existing warehouse
space for lease by SERRV, which will repay the costs over the next
five years; and a grant of $50,000 to the New Windsor Fire and Hose
Capital Campaign to help build a new fire house for the town.
Doubling the fire department's original request for $25,000 "is a
good statement to make to that community," said Roy Winter, BSC
executive director.

The meeting concluded with an eight-hour Seminar on Trauma
Awareness and Recovery, a program of Church World Service and the
Institute for Justice and Peacebuilding based at Eastern Mennonite
University in Harrisonburg, Va.

2) Brethren Benefit Trust investment funds meet or beat most
industry benchmarks.

Brethren Benefit Trust's socially responsible Pension and Brethren
Foundation investment funds continued to meet or beat most industry
benchmarks in 2003, according to a release from the agency. BBT's
investment success has not been short-lived. An analysis of returns
over the past five years shows that BBT funds consistently meet or
exceed industry benchmarks.

"BBT's favorable long-term investing performance is continuing
proof that screening out firms that don't conform to Brethren
values as part of BBT's Socially Responsible Investing philosophy
does not adversely affect investment performance," said Wil Nolen,
BBT president. "This proves that we can witness to our beliefs by
not investing in firms that promote defense, gaming, alcohol,
tobacco, or engage in human rights violations, without sacrificing

For example, the Brethren Pension Plan's Balanced Fund (60 percent
common stock, 40 percent bonds) gained 20.3 percent for the year
while the Brethren Foundation's Balanced Fund gained 20.8,
producing annualized returns of 2.4 and 3 percent over five years.
A blend of the Standard and Poor's 500 Index and the Lehman
Brothers Government/Credit Index was up 19.1 percent and 2.3
percent for the same time periods. 

BBT manages more than $350 million of pension, insurance, asset
management, and deferred gift monies for Church of the Brethren
members and agencies. Descriptions of BBT's investment funds are at For more information call Loyce
Swartz Borgmann at 800-746-1505.

3) Annual Conference moderator, denominational staff visit India

Christopher Bowman, Annual Conference moderator, joined Merv
Keeney, executive director of the General Board's Global Mission
Partnerships, and Bob Gross, India mediation consultant and
co-executive director of On Earth Peace, on a trip to India Feb.
26-Mar. 5. It was the first such visit since an action of the 2003
Annual Conference affirmed the rebuilding of relationship with the
India Brethren, formerly called the "separated Brethren," alongside
relationship with the Church of North India (CNI). The visit was
planned to discuss implications of the Conference action and to
explore next steps in partnership with each church.

The delegation's conversations with CNI were characterized as
"strained" by Keeney. Reflecting on the conversation, he reported,
"The Conference action upholds the relationship with CNI in a
`both-and' rather than `either-or' approach. CNI finds it difficult
to accept the Conference decision as consistent with their view of
partnership. Re-forming this partnership will take time."

After leaving CNI, the group traveled to southern Gujarat state to
meet with the India Brethren. Here the planned agenda was overtaken
by joyful exuberance as congregations at Taropa, Dolara,
Champavadi, Sadanvan, and Valsad celebrated and welcomed the group.
India Brethren leadership had timed the groundbreaking for a new
Brethren High School building at Valsad to coincide with the visit.
The new building will replace a crumbling edifice built in the
early missionary days. While the India Brethren also sponsor other
schools, this long-discussed project is the largest building effort
they have ever undertaken.

"The presence of moderator Christopher Bowman was greatly valued by
both churches," Keeney said. "In the India context, a visit from
the highest officer of the US church had great meaning and
importance, and it honored them. Many voiced surprise that such a
young man would be called to this office." Among the India
Brethren, Bowman was invited to preach at the Love Feast service at
Champavadi, and shared a message centered on reconciliation.

4) Committee plans for the 300th anniversary of the Brethren
movement, chooses logo.

Meeting in Elgin, Ill., Feb. 29-Mar. 2, the Annual Conference
Anniversary Committee continued to plan for the 300th Anniversary
of the Church of the Brethren, to be celebrated in 2008. A
highlight of the meeting was the selection of a logo to illustrate
the anniversary theme, "Surrendered to God, Transformed in Christ,
Empowered by the Spirit." The logo, designed by Becky Goldstein of
Boise, Idaho, will be unveiled at Annual Conference this summer.

In other business, the committee continued collaboration with
Brethren Press about anniversary publications; met with Chris
Douglas, the General Board's director of youth and young adult
ministry, to discuss ways in which youth might be engaged in
celebrating the anniversary; and began designing an anniversary
website. Brethren Benefit Trust is offering technical assistance
and funding the development of the site.

A call was issued earlier this year for musical submissions (hymns,
anthems, folk songs, children's songs, etc.) based on the
anniversary theme. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2005.
Calls for other types of resources will be forthcoming.

The committee's next meeting is scheduled for October in Ashland,
Ohio, with the Tercentennial Committee of the Brethren Church to
further define cooperative efforts, including some joint events at
the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in 2008. Members of
the committee are Jeff Bach, Don Durnbaugh, Dean Garrett, Leslie
Lake, Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, and Lorele Yager, with Lerry Fogle,
Annual Conference executive director, serving ex-officio.

5) InterAgency Forum receives Brethren agency reports, discusses
Annual Conference.

The InterAgency Forum (IAF) of the Church of the Brethren met Feb.
5-6 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Annual Conference, the Association of
Brethren Caregivers, Bethany Theological Seminary, Brethren Benefit
Trust, the Council of District Executives, the General Board, and
On Earth Peace were represented. Harriet Finney, immediate past
Annual Conference moderator, served as chair.

The agenda afforded time for receiving reports from each agency
regarding program and financial status. Especially noted were the
words of the purpose of the IAF--"to promote congeniality and
mutuality among participating Annual Conference agencies"--taken
from the 2001 Review and Evaluation Committee that established the
annual consultation.

Also on the agenda was a report of a meeting of agency executives
held in Nov. 2003, where the executives discussed several ways that
the agencies can combine efforts in areas of communication,
reporting, exhibits, and support of each other's functions. In
addition, the consultation received a report on the progress of
updating the Church of the Brethren polity manual, which will
include statements of organization for each agency.

In relation to Annual Conference, a debriefing from the 2003
Conference produced suggestions for improvements in exhibit
services, consultation with Standing Committee, and agency reports.
In 2004 the former "live report" and the agencies' oral reports
will be combined. The group recognized the Ecclesiology
Consultation spearheaded by the Council of District Executives, and
the Standing Committee's Implementation Committee that will work at
using consultation time with agencies to start envisioning for the
denomination. The IAF also approved a plan for introducing agency
appointees to Conference for approval, including a photograph and
biographical material.

At the meeting, there was a sense that the denominational program
is much more defined and that there is more respect and cooperation
within its components, according to a report from Fred Swartz,
Annual Conference secretary.

6) Church of the Brethren hosts national committee for Decade to
Overcome Violence.

Representatives from the General Board and On Earth Peace attended
a national US Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) committee meeting
in Washington, D.C., Mar. 4. The event was hosted by the Washington
(D.C.) City Church of the Brethren and the General Board's Brethren
Witness/Washington Office.

The gathering included representatives of Church World Service, the
Society of Friends, the Evangelical Lutheran Church USA, the
Antiochian Orthodox Church, and the United Churches of Christ. The
Church of the Brethren presence included Rachel Peterson, Church of
the Brethren DOV coordinator and a Brethren Volunteer Service
worker at On Earth Peace; Jeff Carter, pastor of Manassas (Va.)
Church of the Brethren; and Bryan Hissong, of the Brethren
Witness/Washington Office.

Agenda items covered discussion of this year's DOV focus country,
namely the US; new DOV promotional materials; a calendar for
upcoming DOV events; Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the
Christ"; proposals for new initiatives, including DOV peacemaking
awards, a 2004 Advent celebration, and a National Day of Prayer;
and a Washington-based action group concerning issues of peace and

The meeting was one of the last duties for Peterson as Brethren DOV
coordinator, as her BVS term came to a close Mar. 14.  Filling her
role temporarily will be Brethren Witness/Washington Office
legislative associate Bryan Hissong, who will be interim DOV
coordinator for the next several months until the position is
filled on a permanent basis. Questions, thoughts, and concerns
about DOV can be directed to Hissong at

7) Nigerian Brethren mourn the death of long-time church leader
Nvwa Balami.

Nvwa Balami, a key leader in Ekklesiyar Yanuwa a Nigeria (EYN--the
Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), died Mar. 12 at Maiduguri,
Nigeria. He was known to many in the US church, having studied at
Bethany Theological Seminary and spoken at the 1983 Annual
Conference in Baltimore, Md. 

Balami taught at Waka Secondary School, served on EYN's executive
committee and as principal for Kulp Bible College, and pastored the
new urban congregation at Lagos, as well as a number of other
congregations. His latest assignment had been teaching at the Madu
Bible School at Marama.

"We join the Nigeria church in mourning this loss, and give thanks
to God for Nvwa's faithful presence among us," said Merv Keeney,
executive director of the General Board's Global Mission

8) Brethren bits: Brazil mission staff, and more.

*New General Board mission staff Greg and Karin Davidson
Laszakovits, and infant daughter Ellen, left Mar. 8 for Brazil.
They will work alongside Marcos Inhauser, national director of the
Church of the Brethren mission there, his wife Suely Inhauser, and
the leadership of the Brazilian church. The family's arrival
overlapped with the presence of Board staff Carol Bowman and Beth
Sollenberger Morphew, who were in Brazil to lead stewardship
training for the church.

*Marlin L. Heckman has been appointed to a three-year term on the
Brethren Historical Committee by the General Board's executive
committee. Heckman is retired from service as librarian and
professor at the University of La Verne (Calif.), and also has
served as library director at Bethany Theological Seminary.

*An action alert issued by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office
invites Pennsylvania Brethren to oppose state legislation linking
Selective Service registration to drivers' licenses, and to inform
state representatives of the Church of the Brethren's historic
peace stance. "Registering for the Selective Service is the way in
which each person is accounted for in case of a draft," the alert
noted. "For those whose conscience forbids them from taking a life
in war, not registering for Selective Service or writing
`conscientious objector' on their Selective Service card is a way
of showing their faith in Christ's teachings of peace. However, if
a person is automatically registered for Selective Service upon
receiving a driver's license . . . that person is left without the
aforementioned means of protest." The US Congress is considering
legislation that could re-enact the draft in the near future,
according to the alert. For more information contact the Brethren
Witness/Washington Office, 800-785-3246; e-mail

*The Elizabethtown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren hosted a Level I
Disaster Child Care (DCC) Training Workshop Mar. 5-6. Nineteen
participants attended, some traveling from as far away as Virginia.
Leadership was provided by Jean Myers, of Sinking Spring, Pa.;
Donna Uhlig, of New Enterprise, Pa.; and Helen Stonesifer, of the
DCC program. The purpose of the 27-hour training was to prepare
individuals to provide specialized care to young children affected
by disaster. The training is part of a certification process that
also includes personal references and a criminal background check.

*Leaders of several church reform movements have signed a statement
of support for legal measures regarding the definition of marriage
in the US, including Craig Alan Myers, chair of the Brethren
Revival Fellowship (BRF). The statement called for the adoption of
the Federal Marriage Amendment to the US Constitution. "It is
becoming increasingly clear that legal measures to protect the
definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman are
necessary to preserve the place of marriage in our society," the
statement said in part. It will be given to the President and
leaders of Congress. For more information visit

*Steve Shenk has been appointed director of the Valley
Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center in Harrisonburg, Va., commonly
known as CrossRoads. He will be the first full-time director for
the center, effective June 1. Currently Shenk directs public
relations for Bluffton (Ohio) College. In previous positions he
served as director of communications at Eastern Mennonite
University, managing editor of the Mennonite Church's magazine, and
news and information manager for the Mennonite Board of Missions.

*The Church of the Brethren is mentioned often in a new book,
"Faces from the Flood: Hurricane Floyd Remembered," by Richard H.
Moore and Jay Barnes. "It has gotten a rave review by Dr. Steve
Lyons, a familiar face from the Weather Channel," reported Jane
Yount of the General Board's Emergency Response. Hurricane Floyd
recovery was the longest running project for Emergency Response, at
two years and eight months. More than 1,900 Brethren disaster
response volunteers gave 93,488 work hours to the effort, and 47
Disaster Child Care volunteers responded. For more information
about the book visit

9) Annie Clark will join On Earth Peace as coordinator of Conflict

Annie Clark, a member of North Manchester Church of the Brethren,
Manchester, Ind., will join the staff of On Earth Peace (OEPA) as
coordinator of the Conflict Transformation program, beginning Apr.
5. The program is popularly known as the Ministry of

Currently a consultant with Goshen (Ind.) College, Clark has worked
as an educator in the public schools and as mediation services
coordinator with Education for Conflict Resolution, a mediation
center in northern Indiana. She has developed and administered a
truancy mediation program and a peer mediation program in public
schools, and has been a practitioner and mediation case manager.
She is a graduate of Indiana University at South Bend.

Clark will work out of her home in North Manchester. Bob Gross,
OEPA co-executive director, has worked with the Ministry of
Reconciliation since 1991 and will continue to lead workshops and
provide mediation services through the program.

10) Nadine Pence Frantz is appointed full professor of theological
studies at Bethany.

Nadine Pence Frantz will give a public lecture in celebration of
her appointment as full professor of theological studies at Bethany
Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind. The lecture will take place
7:30 p.m. Mar. 26 on the topic "Figuring the Sacred in Art and

Frantz joined the faculty of Bethany in 1992 after teaching at the
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary in Fresno, Calif. She is an
ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren and has served as
pastor of two congregations.

She holds a master of divinity degree from Bethany and a doctorate
in theology from the University of Chicago, and has received awards
and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the
American Academy of Religion, the Wabash Center for Teaching and
Learning in Theology and Religion, and the Louisville Institute.
She has been a Senior Fellow at the Institute for the Advanced
Study of Religion at the University of Chicago. Frantz is editing
a forthcoming book from Pilgrim Press entitled "Hope Deferred:
Theological Reflections on Reproductive Loss."

Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news
services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, on the
first, third, and fifth Friday of each month, with other editions
as needed. Newsline stories may be reprinted provided that Newsline
is cited as the source. Mary Dulabaum, Nevin Dulabaum, Bryan
Hissong, Marcia Shetler, Helen Stonesifer, and Jane Yount
contributed to this report.

Newsline is a free service sent only to those requesting a
subscription. To receive it by e-mail, or to unsubscribe, write or call 800-323-8039, ext. 260. Newsline is
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