From the Worldwide Faith News archives

NCC TV Specials on Civil Rights (4/4), Easter Worship (4/11)

From "Carol Fouke" <>
Date Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:04:24 -0500

For Immediate Release
March 22, 2004

National Council of Churches Announces TV Specials on Civil Rights, Easter

April 4 - Civil Rights, Then and Now, a Special on CBS:  "Extraordinary
Possibilities: Civil Rights, Then and Now" will be presented on CBS-TV
affiliates beginning on April 4 at 8 a.m. ET, then at various times in cities
across the nation. The 30-minute special looks at efforts to document the
stories of participants in the civil rights movement.  Eyewitnesses include
Dr. Dorothy Height, 93, of the National Council of Negro Women; Wade
Henderson of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; United Methodist
Bishop Woodie White of Indiana; Julian Bond of the NAACP and the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; and a variety of reporters and newsmakers
from a turbulent era of national change a half century ago.  The program,
produced by John P. Blessington for CBS, is part of the network's Religion
and Culture Series, co-sponsored by the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission. 
The Commission's partners include the National Council of Churches, the U.S.
Conference of Catholic B
shops, the Broadcast Group of the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Jewish
Theological Seminary of America.

April 11, Easter Sunday - NCC Worship Service on NBC: Germantown United
Methodist Church, in suburban Memphis, Tenn., will be featured on the NBC
television network nationwide on Easter Sunday, in a presentation of the
National Council of Churches.  Senior Pastor Rick Kirchoff will preach from I
Corinthians 15 in a message entitled, "Imagine A World Without Easter!" 
Music, led by Jim Thrash and organist Eva McPeters, will feature selections
by the Sanctuary Choir and the Adult Hand Bell Choir.  Germantown, a diverse
and missional congregation of 3,000 members, is engaged in a wide range of
evangelism and social justice programs.  Check local NBC affiliates for exact
broadcast time in your area.


Contact: Shirley Struchen, NCC, 212-870-2574 or NCC Media Department,

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