From the Worldwide Faith News archives
LOCALIZABLE NCC-Sponsored National Events and Observances
"Carol Fouke" <>
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:36:13 -0500
March 22, 2004
April 25 - Earth Day Sunday: On April 25 or another dedicated Sunday,
churches celebrate God's gift of air with the NCC's 2004 Earth Day Sunday
Resource, "Life-Giving Breath of God." For an electronic copy, visit: For a print copy of the 2004 Earth Day
resource and/or more information, contact Cassandra Carmichael, NCC Director
for Eco-Justice Programs, 202-544-2350 (ext. 27 or Leslie Tune, ext. 11) - or or
May 10-16 - 'Cover the Uninsured Week': There are nearly 44 million Americans
-- 8.5 million of them children -- living without health coverage, and their
numbers are increasing. Rising health care costs continue to undermine the
ability of individuals, businesses and state governments to purchase health
care coverage. Reversing this disturbing trend is the goal of Cover the
Uninsured Week, which counts the National Council of Churches as a key
national participant. NCC Deputy General Secretary (Rev. Dr.) Eileen W.
Lindner chairs the Week's National Interfaith Advisory Board. To learn more,
visit: or phone 202-572-2928. (Media: Contact
Dr. Lindner at 212-870-2227 or 2333.)
May 26-31 - Come to the Feast 2004: Young adults from across the United
States and those who work with them will gather in Tampa, Fla., for worship
and fellowship and to explore the theme "The Art of Ministry and Play." The
two-part "Come to the Feast" event will develop young adult ministry ideas
and test them in "ministry labs." "Come to the Feast" is sponsored by the
National Council of Churches' Ecumenical Young Adult Ministry Team. For more
information, contact Garland F. Pierce, NCC Associate Director for Education
and Leadership Ministries, 212-870-2227 or 2267, or
Courtney Richards, Registrar, Come to the Feast, at 317-558-2863 x 20. Web
Summer Camp and Conference Season: The National Council of Churches' Outdoor
Ministries Program is ready for summer with its brand-new "Join the Party!"
curriculum, the fourth title in the "New Earth: Christian Resources for the
Outdoors" series. See for more
information and a sample chapter. For more information, contact Garland F.
Pierce, NCC Associate Director for Education and Leadership Ministries,
212-870-2227 or 2267,
The NCC may be coming to your area! Check here for events by city. And
check the contact person(s) to find out whether someone from your city is
attending the event.
March 24-25: BIRMINGHAM, ALA. -- National Council of Churches Communication
Commission and Related Meetings. Commission meets at the Wynfrey Hotel in
conjunction with the North American Regional Association of the World
Association for Christian Communication (March 24) and the annual national
convention of the Religion Communicators Council (March 25-27). Contact: Pat
Pattillo, 212-870-2048 or 917-690-6075 (mobile);
March 28: EXETER, N.H. - National Council of Churches General Secretary (Rev.
Dr.) Robert W. Edgar Speaks on "The Faithful Majority." 7:30 p.m., Harris
Hall, Christ Church, 43 Pine St., Exeter, N.H. The Faithful Majority, Dr.
Edgar says, are people whose faith inspires them to work for peace, an
economy that benefits all, and the health of God's Creation. For
information, contact the Rev. Jon Sherry, 804-928, 6222 or or the NCC Communication Department, 212-870-2227,
March 30-31: WASHINGTON, D.C. - National Council of Churches Committee on
Public Education and Literacy. Contact: David Brown, 253-661-7620, or the NCC Communication Department, 212-870-2227,
April 19-22: TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA - National Council of Churches Program
Committee on Education for Mission. Contact: Patrice L. Rosner, 212-870-2738, or the NCC Communication Department, 212-870-2227,
April 29-30: CHICAGO, IL - National Council of Churches Professional Church
Leadership Committee. Contact: Patrice L. Rosner, 212-870-2738, or the NCC Communication Department, 212-870-2227,
May 9-13: OMAHA, Neb. -- National Workshop on Christian Unity. Contact: Dr.
Ann Riggs, 202-544-2350; or the NCC Communication
Department, Washington, D.C., 202-544-2350 x 11;
May 17-18: CHICAGO, IL -- National Council of Churches Board of Directors
Meeting. Contact: NCC Communication Department at 212-870-2252;
June 20-22: ST. LOUIS, MO. -- Consultation on Faith in a Time of Technology:
Scholars, publishers and practitioners in curriculum development for faith
formation will examine how technology's benefits and drawbacks shape their
field. For information on this event, contact Dr. Robert Fulbright, Chair,
Committee on Curriculum Research and Theory, NCC Education and Leadership
Ministries Commission, 826-456-4887; or the NCC
Communication Department, 212-870-2227,
Source: National Council of Churches, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115
NCC Media Contacts:
212-870-2227/2252; 202-544-2350 ext. 11
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