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Women of the ELCA Approve Goals for New Theme
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 16:34:14 -0600
March 24, 2004
Women of the ELCA Approve Goals for New Theme
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The executive board of Women of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) prepared for its
next triennial theme, "Act Boldly," when it met here Mar. 18-21.
The board also learned about the "Women-to-Women Coffee Tour" to
be led by the organization's president, participated in a process
to redesign the ELCA's organization and conducted other business.
"Without realizing it, women have always acted boldly," said
Mary Ellen Kiesner, Menomonee Falls, Wis., president of Women of
the ELCA. "If there's a need, a calling, they respond. Our
hope, in our diversity, is to recognize together how women are
acting out their faith in bold ways. The theme 'act boldly' may
sound simplistic, but it entails so much," she said.
Women of the ELCA's current theme is "Listen, God is
Calling." Act Boldly will officially begin at Women of the
ELCA's Sixth Triennial Gathering and Convention, July 6-10, 2005,
San Antonio, Texas. It will guide the development of resources
and programs by staff of Women of the ELCA within the context of
the organization's mission statement "to mobilize women to act
boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ" until 2008.
The executive board establishes the overall goals for the
triennial gathering. One goal is to conduct the business of
Women of the ELCA, which includes the election of officers and
board members, the consideration of memorials, resolutions and
constitutional changes, and the approval of the 2006 budget.
Other goals include providing Bible study, offering opportunities
for recognizing the diversity of women in the organization,
fostering biblical concepts of stewardship, encouraging global
and cross-cultural community, and strengthening participants'
understanding of themselves as partners in the mission and
ministry of the organization.
In other business, Kiesner shared information about "On the
Roof of Africa: Women-to-Women Coffee Tour." Kiesner will lead
15 women on a study visit Nov. 3-18 to Tanzania, to learn about
fairly traded coffee -- a process in which small-scale coffee
farmers earn a fairer price for their products, enabling them to
cover their production costs and better meet their human needs.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR), the overseas relief and development
ministry of the ELCA and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is
planning the study trip specifically for Women of the ELCA.
Kiesner said the trip is a "wonderful opportunity that falls
on the heels" of Women of the ELCA and LWR's "Pour Justice to the
Brim: The 90-Ton Challenge." Women of the ELCA and its
magazine, Lutheran Woman Today, have joined with LWR and Equal
Exchange -- a U.S. worker-owned fair-trade organization -- to
challenge Lutherans to purchase 90 tons of fairly traded coffee.
Equal Exchange is tracking coffee sales from October 2003 to
September 2004. As of last month, Lutherans have purchased more
than 40 tons of fairly traded coffee.
The executive board met in small groups to work on "phase
one" of "Faithful Yet Changing: The Plan for Mission in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America."
Faithful Yet Changing includes a process to restructure the
ELCA churchwide organization based on the mission statement and
strategic directions affirmed by the 2003 ELCA Churchwide
Assembly. The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA,
is expected to recommend a proposal for the reorganization of the
churchwide office, budget and staff to the ELCA Church Council in
November 2004. The council serves as the ELCA's board of
directors and legislative authority of the church between
biennial assemblies.
One significant dynamic that surfaced from the discussion
was "the diverse ideas and thoughts brought to the table," said
Kiesner. The board has "a sincere desire to be available to make
[a] new plan work. No matter where we serve in the church,
mission and ministry must be done in such a way that we are
looking out to each other, our sisters and brothers in faith, and
to the needs of our community, society and the world. I think
the board appreciates being included in the process of the
church's strategic planning process, and contributing valuable
insight to that process," Kiesner said.
The women's organization reconfigured its ministry in March
In other business, the board:
+ took part in the organization's anti-racism training
program, "Today's Dream, Tomorrow's Reality." Training materials
are in the form of a three-ring "cookbook with recipes" for
learning, Bible study and other activities. The program is
available to all Women of the ELCA participants.
+ received an update on Cafe, a free e-zine developed to
reach women ages 20-35. Cafe celebrated its 1,000th subscriber
last fall after being online for about three months. Today,
about 2,000 people from around the world subscribe. In each
issue Cafe, an acronym for "community, advocacy, faith and
enlightenment," centers on a specific topic with information
housed in four sections: Hot Topic, Coffee Talk, Tip Jar and
Internet Cafe. It is available at on the Internet.
+ received "Listening to God: A Guide to Discernment,"
developed by Women of the ELCA and Augsburg Fortress, the ELCA's
publishing house based in Minneapolis. Listening to God is a
guide that offers six sessions designed to provide "tools" for
women to discern "God's hopes" and identify their "gifts for
ministry" in the congregation and community. The guide was
written by Debra K. Farrington, publisher and editorial director,
Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, Pa. She is also a retreat and
worship leader.
+ received a report on the annual "Conference of Synodical
Presidents" held in San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 19-22. Women of the
ELCA synodical women's organizations are located in 64 of the
ELCA's 65 synods across the United States and Caribbean.
+ heard about "All Creation is Longing," a three-month Bible
study. The study, written by the Rev. Julie A. Kanarr, Holy
Trinity Lutheran Church, Port Angeles, Wash., will be available
in the summer issues of Lutheran Woman Today.
-- -- --
Information about Women of the ELCA is maintained at on the Internet. Information
about Lutheran Women Today is available at on the Internet.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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