From the Worldwide Faith News archives

AACC - We Have to Resolve Our Own Conflicts

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Sat, 27 Mar 2004 16:32:00 -0800

All Africa Conference of Churches	Tel: 254 - 20 - 4441483, 4441338/9 7 Fax: 254 - 20- 
4443241, 4445835 7 Email:
General Secretariat: Waiyaki Way, P.O. Box 14205 , 00800 Westlands, 
Nairobi, Kenya


'We Have To Resolve Our Own Conflicts'

NAIROBI (LWF) - March 27 - A report of the steering committee of the 
Regional Summit of Interfaith Action for Peace has noted that the process 
of resolving Africa's conflicts locally has started and the results are 

"It was always assumed that only people from outside the continent could do 
this work. However, it is us, the people of this continent who have to 
resolve our own conflicts," the report, read by Mr. Prabhu Pattni, said.

According to the report, the settlement of the border dispute between 
Ethiopia and Eritrea was "almost done". The process has started and is 
showing hopeful results, the report observed.

The report also noted that positive and concerted efforts were going on to 
end the long drawn-out war in the Sudan by brokering peace between the 
government and the SPLA/M.

The continent-wide peace initiatives have also been going on in Burundi and 
Somalia where peace and national unity has been wanting for several years. 
The peace efforts were also going on in Northern Uganda, it was reported.

"There are many such small conflicts going on throughout the continent. 
Such conflicts become a cause for major concern to all people and 
particularly the religious organizations," the report said.

The report noted that religious leaders "felt that something needs to be 
done really fast in order to start the process of resolution of these 

The Interfaith Action for Peace initiative was born keeping this background 
in mind. It seemed that it was not enough to resolve the ongoing conflicts 
but to inculcate into people tolerance and peace so as to build a culture 
that would avoid conflicts.

By Noel Okoth
AIMS Media for LWF

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