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ELCA Communicators Receive 2004 DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 10:41:51 -0600
March 30, 2004
ELCA Communicators Receive 2004 DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (ELCA) -- The Religion Communicators
Council (RCC) honored several communicators of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards at
a luncheon here March 26 during the 2004 RCC convention. Awards
were given for communication projects completed in 2003 in eight
general and 31 specific categories, with eight "Best of Class"
awards and a special "Shoestring Award."
This convention marked the 75th anniversary of RCC, an
international interfaith association of religion communicators in
print and electronic communication, marketing and public
Two ELCA communicators are now officers of RCC. The Rev.
Ronald T. Glusenkamp, vice president for customer outreach, ELCA
Board of Pensions, Minneapolis, assumed the role of RCC
president. He had been a member of the RCC board of governors.
Martha Lindberg Mann, director of public relations, Lutheran
Social Services of New England, Natick, Mass., continued in her
role as RCC secretary.
The DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards are given annually to
active RCC members who demonstrate excellence in religion
communication and public relations. The awards are named to
honor the late Victor DeRose and the late Paul M. Hinkhouse,
leading lithographers in New York and longtime friends of the
The Rev. Frederick H. Gonnerman, Northfield, Minn., won an
Award of Excellence in the category for Writing for Periodicals,
Books, for "Getting the Word Out: The Alban Guide to Church
Communications." Gonnerman's book was also named "Best in
Class," the top DeRose-Hinkhouse honor for each class of
Four awards were presented to publications of Women of the
ELCA. An Award of Excellence for a cover design was presented to
Nancy Goldberger and Barbara Hofmaier, both of Chicago, in the
Graphic Design, Art and Photography category. The award was for
the cover design on the June 2003 issue of Lutheran Woman Today
(LWT) magazine. In the same category, Goldberger and Hofmaier
were presented the Award of Excellence for an illustration on a
publication cover, LWT's October 2003 issue. Goldberger and
Elizabeth McBride, Chicago, accepted an Award of Excellence in
the Electronic Communication category for the electronic
newsletter "Cafe - Stirring the Spirit Within."
Women of the ELCA won one Award of Merit. An award for a
single magazine article was presented to Goldberger and Hofmaier
for "The Triple Mystery" by Gail Ramshaw.
ELCA communicators were presented Awards of Excellence in
several other categories:
+ Print Media, Special Print Material: Karen M. Dersnah and
Barbara J. Andrews, ELCA Department for Communication, Chicago,
for a "Davey and Goliath" Holiday Card.
+ Print Media, Posters: Sue Edison-Swift, ELCA Division for
Higher Education and Schools, Chicago, for the ELCA
College/Ubuntu Murals Poster.
+ Print Media, Other: Kami Lund, Karla Thomson, ELCA Board
of Pensions, for "Healthy Leaders Enhance Lives" press kit.
+ Public Relations/Advertising, Print Material: the Rev. F.
Eric Wester, U.S. Department of the Army, Arlington, Va., for
"Consider the Call" recruiting campaign for Army chaplains.
+ Electronic Communication, CD-ROM: Maria Thompson, Luther
Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., for "God Could Use Someone Like You,"
Luther Seminary CD-ROM.
In addition, the Rev. Roy T. Lloyd, an ELCA pastor with the
American Bible Society (ABS), New York, and Francine Lange, ABS,
received an Award of Merit for a single magazine article, "Basic
Elements: Eliminating Spiritual Poverty."
The RCC's next convention is April 7-9, 2005, in Nashville,
-- -- --
The home page of the Religion Communicators Council is at on the Web.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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