From the Worldwide Faith News archives
LWI News in Brief No. 03/2005
"Frank Imhoff" <>
Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:25:26 -0500
+ New Anglican - Lutheran Publication on Ecumenical Agreements over
Three Decades
+ Romanian Church, Evangelical Church in Germany Sign Partnership
+ Economic Globalization Focus of New LWF Publication
+ Canadian Lutheran Delegates to Vote on Same Sex Blessings
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New Anglican - Lutheran Publication on Ecumenical Agreements over Three
The Anglican Communion and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have jointly
produced "Anglican-Lutheran Agreements * Regional and International
Agreements 1972-2002," as LWF Documentation No. 49. The joint
publication is a comprehensive volume that brings together in one place
the texts of all the major Anglican - Lutheran ecumenical agreements
between 1972 and 2002.
The 338-page book includes not only the international agreements such
as the Niagara Report on Episcope, and the recent Growth in Communion
report by the Anglican-Lutheran International Working Group, but also
regional agreements such as Porvoo and Meissen (Europe); Called to
Common Mission and Waterloo (North America); and Common Ground from
Australia. Anglican - Lutheran relations across the globe have taken
major strides forward in the period covered by the publication, leading
to relations of "full communion" in North America, and significant
progress elsewhere.
Orders can be placed with the LWF Office for Communication Services,
150 Route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, Tel.
+41/22-791 6111, Fax +41/22-791 6630, E-mail,
Price: CHF 15, EUR 10 or USD 13, plus postage. (186 words)
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Romanian Church, Evangelical Church in Germany Sign Partnership
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania and
Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) have signed a partnership agreement.
Romanian Bishop Dr Christoph Klein and EKD Council Chairperson, Bishop
Dr Wolfgang Huber signed the agreement, February 25 in Hanover,
According to an EKD press release, both sides emphasized during the
signing that this was a step in the right direction, and should be seen
as a "visible sign of a partnership with equal rights." Among
others, the pact covers "encounters and consultations at church
leadership level, as well as meetings between specialized staff," and
the "promotion of mutual exchanges of ministers, staff members, and
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania has
radically changed with developments in recent years. During the past two
decades, a large number of German congregation members have migrated
abroad, mainly to Germany. Subsequently, membership has plummeted from
120,000 in 1987 to 14,600 presently. The church has meanwhile
strengthened, and has undergone a major restructuring process, resulting
in an ecumenically open church in diaspora.
The Romanian church joined the Lutheran World Federation in 1964. (193
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Economic Globalization Focus of New LWF Publication
Since 2000, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has had a programmatic
focus on the challenges posed today by economic globalization, as part
of the wider ecumenical family and civil society. The LWF has now
published "Communion, Responsibility, Accountability --Responding as a
Lutheran Communion to Neoliberal Globalization" * LWF Documentation
No. 50.
The first part of this book brings together the publications,
processes, events and select responses that have been a part of this
work, including commitments made at the 2003 LWF Tenth Assembly. Also
presented are diverse perspectives from LWF member churches, field
programs of the Department for World Service, and from youth, and an
indication of what has been said ecumenically.
The second part contains articles that deepen the theological, pastoral
and ethical reflections that are evoked by economic globalization, but
are much wider in their implications. The book is edited by Rev. Dr
Karen L. Bloomquist, director, LWF Department for Theology and Studies,
and study secretary, Office for the Church and Social Issues.
Copies of the 290-page English version are available from: The LWF
Department for Theology and Studies, 150 Route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100,
CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, Tel. +41 22 791 6111, Fax +41/22-791
6630, E-mail . Price CHF 15, EUR 10 or USD 13,
plus postage. The German version, being published by Kreuz Verlag, will
be available later in 2005. (235 words)
* * *
Canadian Lutheran Delegates to Vote on Same Sex Blessings
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) National Convention
being held in Winnipeg from July 21-24 this year will be considering a
three-part resolution that would allow local congregations to decide if
they will authorize the blessing of same sex relationships.
The ELCIC National Church Council (NCC) has been asked to provide
guidance for the pastoral practice of its synods, congregations, and
pastors on this issue that has been a part of public discourse for some
time, says a press release from the church. "The NCC has acknowledged
the diversity of opinion within our church on this contentious issue,"
ELCIC National Bishop Raymond L. Schultz is quoted saying.
The NCC conducted an extensive study of important issues surrounding a
local option for same sex blessings seeking the guidance of theologians,
pastors and lay leaders through essays which are also available to the
public on the ELCIC Web site
(157 words)
(ELCIC Information)
(The LWF is a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran
tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund, Sweden, the LWF currently has 138
member churches in 77 countries all over the world, with a membership of
nearly 66 million Christians. The LWF acts on behalf of its member
churches in areas of common interest such as ecumenical and inter-faith
relations, theology, humanitarian assistance, human rights,
communication, and the various aspects of mission and development work.
Its secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland.)
[Lutheran World Information (LWI) is the LWF's information service.
Unless specifically noted, material presented does not represent
positions or opinions of the LWF or of its various units. Where the
dateline of an article contains the notation (LWI), the material may be
freely reproduced with acknowledgment.]
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LWI online:
PO Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Tel: (41.22) 791.63.54
Fax: (41.22) 791.66.30
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