From the Worldwide Faith News archives
CEC Presidium meets in Västerås, Sweden
"Ruth Gill" <>
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:08:35 +0200
Conference of European Churches - Office of Communications
Press Release No. 05-14/e 6 April 2005
The Presidium of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) is
meeting today until Sunday 10 April in Västerås, Sweden, upon
invitation of the CEC Deputy Vice-President, the Very Rev.
Margarethe Isberg, Lutheran Dean of Västerås. The 10-member
Presidium serves as the executive committee of the Central
Committee of CEC.
The major task of this session will be to review the implementation of
the decisions made by Central Committee last September in the
different areas of CEC's work, and to prepare for the next Central
Committee meeting which is scheduled for 4-10 June in Crete,
Greece. Among other items, the Presidium will receive reports on the
reconfiguration of CEC offices and commissions and on the
preparations for the third European Ecumenical Assembly.
Presidium member, His Eminence Metropolitan Daniel of Moldavia and
Bucovina (Romanian Orthodox Church) will not attend the meeting,
as he will represent CEC at the funeral of His Holiness Pope John Paul
II in Rome.
Members of the CEC Presidium:
- President: Rev. Jean-Arnold de Clermont, Reformed Church of
France, President of the French Protestant Federation;
- Vice-President: Archbishop Dr Anastasios (Yannoulatos), Orthodox Church
of Albania;
- Deputy Vice-President: Dean Margarethe Isberg, Church of Sweden
- Metropolitan Dr Daniel (Ciobotea) of Moldavia and Bucovina,
Romanian Orthodox Church;
- Metropolitan Dr Gennadios (Limouris) of Sassima, Ecumenical
Patriarchate of Constantinople;
- Oberkirchenrätin (Church official) Rev. Antje Heider-Rottwilm,
Director of the Europe Department of the Evangelical Church in
Germany (EKD);
- Rev. Dr Susan Helen Jones, Church in Wales (Anglican), United
- Archbishop Longin (Talypin) of Klin, representative of the Russian
Orthodox Church in Germany;
- Dr Mariella Mihailova, United Methodist Church in Bulgaria;
- Rev. Thomas Wipf, President of the Council of the Federation of Swiss
Protestant Churches.
* * * *
The Conference of European Churches (CEC) is a fellowship of some 125
Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches from all
countries of Europe, plus 40 associated organisations. CEC was founded in
1959. It has offices in Geneva, Brussels and Strasbourg.
For information:
Office of Communications
Conference of European Churches
Phone +41 22 791 64 85 or 791 63 25
Fax +41 22 791 62 27
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