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[LCMSNews] Schultz named Synod's new CAO
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Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:47:15 -0500
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April 6, 2005 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 23
Schultz named Synod's new CAO
Ronald P. Schultz, executive director of general services for
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod since 1996, has accepted the
appointment of the Synod's Board of Directors to serve as chief
administrative officer (CAO) of the church.
Schultz will start his new position April 16, taking over from
Dr. Thomas Kuchta, vice president-finance--treasurer of the Synod, who
has served as CAO on an interim basis since the departure in 2003 of
Bradford Hewitt, now a senior executive with Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans. Schultz was elected by the Board of Directors (BOD) April 2.
As chief administrative officer, Schultz will serve the BOD in
carrying out the responsibilities given to the Board by the
Constitution, Bylaws, and resolutions of the Synod. To that end, he will
serve as the Board's representative and staff person in synodical
relations, administrative affairs, corporate compliance, and legal
By virtue of his office, Schultz also will serve on the Synod's
Administrative Team, a group led by Synod President Gerald Kieschnick
and including, besides the president and CAO, the first vice president,
chief financial officer, and secretary.
Schultz said he realizes that "building relationships and
managing business activities are important to the church, and I am
humbled by this appointment. I certainly look forward to the opportunity
to continue to serve the Synod in this new capacity as together we focus
on the long established mission of spreading the Gospel."
Speaking for the BOD, Vice Chairman James E. Fandrey, pastor of
Calvary Lutheran Church, Elgin, Ill., said, "Ron Schultz demonstrated
excellent aptitude and skills through his work record and résumé.
interview with the Board of Directors also indicated an attitude of
confidence and humility, coupled with Lutheran convictions of faith."
As head of the Synod's general services department, Schultz has
been responsible for providing many support services -- travel and
meeting planning, purchasing, facilities management, Rosters and
Statistics, to name a few -- to employees of the Synod's International
Center and to the larger LCMS.
Schultz held a similar position, director of operations, during
the last four of his 13 years of employment at Concordia University,
River Forest, Ill., prior to coming to St. Louis. A graduate of River
Forest, trained as a teacher, he is on the commissioned-ministers roster
of the Synod.
Nominations and applications to fill the position of executive
director of general services will be sought in the near future.
Schultz and his wife, Janice, have three children -- Sarah,
Lauren, and Ryan -- and an infant granddaughter, Madison. The family
lives in Wildwood, Mo., and attends St. John Lutheran Church,
Ellisville, Mo.
Schultz's installation into office as CAO is scheduled for May 3
during the morning chapel service at the International Center.
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.
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